The quickest and healthy way to lose weight


New member
How can one lose weight quickly but in the very healthiest way possible? I know experts advise not to crush diet but what else is available out there when you don't really have much time lose the weight. Losing weight generally is not easy, now add the time preassure to that it literally becomes impossible.
The truth is that everyone wants to lose weight. but the problem is that people are not disciplined enough to achieve that. There are different ways in which you can lose weight and one of them is frequent exercise. exercise is one of the best ways of losing weight because you actually don't need to take anything to do that.
If you are too desperate to lose weight you might be surprised that you will never lose a pound. losing weight should be a gradual process is not something that can happen within a short period of time. The reason is that you gain weight gradually but you are not paying attention to it. You need to engage in regular exercise and drink lots of water if you want to lose weight fast.
Yeap exercise is a very good way of loosing weight and it has proved to be very effective in many cases. However I have seen people who simply starve themselves all in the name of loosing weight and I stead of getting good results they end up having other issues like ulver
Losing weight begins with the plan. You need to know the actual weight you are having now. After that you have to have clear picture of the wait you intend to achieve over time. Then you can look at some of the diet to include into your meal plan that will help you to achieve the desired weight you have at heart. Losing weight is about 50% diet and 50% exercise.
I do ask those people that always eager to lose weight the major reason for taking that decision. Being far is different from being obesessed. Many have been skipping necessary food just because they want to come down. All these are not necessary except the doctor asks you to slim down.
If you actually want to lose weight you can do that by doing a lot of exercise and stop eating junk foods consuming foods with nutrient and not the one that contain fat and you can also try drinking water before taking any meals and also drink coffee