Business Ideas The One Secret to online business success


Deleted member 13140

most of the online business experts you see aren't overnight success people, they aren't lucky, they had to grind and face the fire every now and then. And when you interview them and ask, Hey what is the secret to your success.

Here is the answer - I REFUSED TO QUIT

There is this millionaire that said something, he said you will never succeed more than you will fail, you have to accept that, one must fail in other to succeed and the good thing about success is that, all you have to do is make one Entrepreneurship requires creativity, energy, and the determination.

Okay Here is an example before the extremely successful Microsoft 3.0, Bill Gates created a Microsoft 1.0 and 2.0, both of which flopped, but he persisted, he failed and failed, yet he refused And it is this determination and refusal to give up that distinguishes successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones. there is a saying that goes like this To get past the No or the difficulty, arm yourself with optimism. There is nothing wrong with failing; just don't make the same mistake twice!
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Refusing to quit does not necessarily mean that you will become successful in your online business. I will tell you my friend's story. When he was laid off from his job due to coronavirus pandemic, he decided to start a dropshipping business. he spent just about $500 to build a beautiful dropship store and then spent an additional $300 to do SEO. Once his store was ready, he started to market and advertise his store. He spend $500 but there was zero sales. He refused to quit, he spent an additional $500, there was just 1-2 sales. he ended up making a $3000 loss.
If you own a business and if your business is not making money, you should know when to stop. If you don't stop despite your business making a loss, you will go bankrupt. I have seen a lot of people gone bankrupt just because they refused to quit. If you have patience, you can of course excel, but this does not happen to all people. Some people fail despite taking all the precaution.
To be candid online business is equally filled with somany challenges, most times people tends to think it is easy when you run business online, they think running an online business is going to be a get rich or short cut to getting wealthy. But this is not true. Online business entails a lot of challenges and it is not a make money quick system as many may think, infact people make alot of losses running online businesses. I have my own fair share of such experience and I have learnt my lessons both bitter and sweet experiences. It is not a bed of roses. Although I appreciate your insight. All we need is God to direct and help us in whatever decisions we make and take .
Well I believe you are actually right judging from your post about trying to let us understand that winners do not quit and that is why they always end up achieving their goals which might demands them to sacrifice a lot beyond their imaginations, but some of us do not really have the stomach for it, I know that some people could seem like they are Making money with ease but it is either they have gone through the rough times in the past or maybe they invested some amount of money to help them do the hard times and if it’s not so then they are only doing it to make one feel like you are not doing it right
now i would like to say if u wanna win, then have passion for what you do and forget about the money u want to earn if you don't have passion for it that's when u give up after several tries.