The Importance Of Estate Planning And Having A Will In Your 30s


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You might have heard that you should start thinking about estate planning and having a will in your 30s. But what does this really mean?

In short, it means that you should think about how to make sure your loved ones are taken care of after you're gone. If you're not careful, there's a good chance that your family will be left with a lot of questions and problems if something happens to you and it could happen at any time.

So what can you do to protect yourself and your family? The first step is to start thinking now about how you want your estate to be handled after your death. This includes what happens with things like money (in which case we recommend setting up an IRA or 401(k) plan), property ownership (which may include property taxes), insurance policies (which might need changing), and more.

Next, take some time to go over all the documents in your current life bank accounts, credit cards, mortgages, wills/probate records and figure out if there are any gaps in information or gaps in ownership where someone else could come forward as the rightful owner of those assets after you've passed away.
For me l oftenly see this as very sensitive issues for one to comprehend ever. However l don't have any idea about how this issue is being treated in other parts of the world.
Unfortunately in Africa, most cultural, traditional beliefs and religions standings, this thing is highly condemned on the society.

The people that embrace this thing in my continent is less than 5% so to speak. Mostly the rich and learned people would think about that because of their wealth that leave as they die.