Super Busy? Here Are 7 Quick Financial Tips


We've all been there. You're on the phone with your mom, and she's trying to talk you into buying a new phone or upgrading your car, but you just can't focus on what she's saying. You know that you should be listening intently. you want to be able to tell her that yes, you'll take care of the phone/car later but your mind just keeps wandering away, and it's like an itch that needs scratching.

We get it. It's hard to focus, and sometimes even harder to pay attention when all you want is a good nap. But we've got some good news for you: The solution is simple: Take breaks from work! Here are seven quick financial tips that will help you keep things in order at work and make sure that you don't end up spending more than necessary:

1. Make a budget before every paycheck

2. Stick to your budget

3. Pay yourself first. It's a great habit to get into, and it can help you save more money in the long run.

4. Keep track of your spending for 30 days straight! Don't worry about perfection. just make sure you're aware of what you're spending money on and why you're spending it there.

5. Put all of your bills in order and pay them at least twice per month! You'll want to make sure everything is paid on time so that you don't go into debt or miss out on any opportunities for savings due to late payments or overpaying.

6. Start tracking your expenses! Even if they're small, they add up quickly when ignored over time (and they'll likely be forgotten about until it's too late).

7. Don't buy things without knowing how much they'll cost in advance. it's better to save up for something that will last longer than something new right away (even if it means cutting down on some luxuries).