Some ideas to grow your business.

Growing business today requires you to expand beyond your immediate environment. Social media is one of the major sources of growing business. Many people make use of Facebook, Instagram, Tick tok, YouTube and other social media channels. It also requires patience and persistent to stay on your business. You need to undergo further training to improve on your business.
Growing your business effectively using social media also requires you having some in-depth knowledge on how to use the platforms to your advantage. Knowing how to chat on the platform doesn't mean you know all the ways in which you can utilize its functions to achieve your business growth. So you should spend some time making research on how to achieve this. You can watch YouTube, read books or seek mentorship so you can follow the right strategies.
I think most business owners did not realize how important social media is in growing a business, most business owners are still stuck to traditional way of conducting business relying on word of mouth, flyers, radio or offline advertising, some ot these methods still work but their reach has gone down ever since social media emerged.

As a business owner, getting started in social media is overwhelming, you can take a free course on Google to know the rudiments of online marketing or if you have a big budget you can hire a digital marketer to help you out, trust me it's an untapped niche with lots of potential.