Side effects of using earpiece


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Am not saying using of earpiece is not good but using it too much can damage and ruin something's.most thing people use earpiece for is to listen to music, watch videos and also for phone call.for instance when a person uses earpiece for a very long period of time maybe listening to music it can damage the ear in such a way that the person won't ear clearly again.when you talk to them they will have to come close to you before earing what you are don't use earpiece for a long time because it can seriously damage the ear drum.another side effect is when you use earpiece on the road maybe while working or driving you might not eat if a car is coming behind you might not eat and they might hit you which can cause damage to the body.
Using earpiece for long causes series of dangers to our ear which lead to ear problem and excessive use of this earpiece when adapted to it endangers our well being because you will always have it with you everywhere you are going which you might end up using it while going on the road which can lead to accident
I don't think that using earpieces would make any of irritation or disease or you can say a side effects..
We as a Girl love to buy and use earpieces..
Yes! May be wearing the artificial earpieces for a long duration cause your ears some infection but earpieces of Gold and good stuffs didn't have any side effects
When you use ear piece for long it can damage the ear drum due to too much noise
•NIHL(Noise-Induced Hearing Loss)
•Hearing loss
•Ear infection
•Excessive ear wax
•Pain in the ears
•Effect on the brain

NIHL: It is not only about the volume that you expose your ears to through those earphones but also the duration that can lead to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).

Tinnitus: The damaged hair cells in cochlea can result in a ringing, buzzing, or roaring noise in the ear or the head. This consequential electrical noise is called tinnitus.

Hyperacusis: More than 50% of the people who suffer from tinnitus are prone to develop high sensitivity to normal environmental sounds too. This condition is referred to as Hyperacusis.

Hearing Loss: As mentioned above, loud music or long exposure tends to make the hair cells bend down too much and severely, the extent of which can lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss.

Dizziness: Many times, the increased pressure in the ear canal due to loud noise can also result in dizziness.

Ear infections: Since the earphones are directly placed into the ear canal, they block the passage of air which enhances the chances of infections in the ear. The regular and long-term use of earphones also increases the growth of bacteria. These bacteria stay on the earphones and on more usage infect the ear. When the earphones are shared, the same bacteria from one person’s ear transfer to the other person, exposing the person also to serious ear infections.

Excessive ear wax: Using the earphones for a long time also develops excessive ear wax which further accelerates the chances of tinnitus, hearing difficulty, earache, and frequent ear infections.

Pain in the ears: Long-term usage of earphones as well as using earphones that poorly fit can induce pain that can often extend to the inner ear as well, leading to soreness in the vicinity of the ear i.e. from the jaws to the top of the head.

Effect on the brain: The electromagnetic waves that the headphones generate result in problems for the brain as well in the long term. High decibel noise levels withdraw insulation from nerve fibers that carry signals from the ear to the brain. Ear infections can also affect the brain.

One can save the ear from any severe damage through the earphones by being aware of the consequences and by making small habitual changes