Should you date at work?


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So many people don't know what to believe here, some do it and get lucky while some regret due to the huge consequences that follow it. It's good to make friends at work and as you work in group, you are bound to make connections which can lead to serious relationships but this single act can either take you up or bring you down. Some can't manage relationship and work at the same time so they let it get in the way, they let it affect their prime duty, they could abandon their work, while trying to assist their partner or be with them. They can overwork themselves which might have a significant impact at their end. Distraction is the greatest of it all and when there is distraction, other things can creep in.
Yes,it is good to make friends at work but I don't subscribe to dating at the work place. Though I have heard of people that make connections and dated which led to marriage but this is not for me Dating at work can make or mar one. For me I can't manage relationship at work so I don't even try it. it would not work for me. Dating should not be encouraged at the workplace so as not to affect the prime duty,