SEO Tips For Newbie


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Getting traffic is the key to become a successful blogger. You can get traffic through various channels such as social media, forums, blogs, etc. however, the durable traffic only comes from search engines. In order to receive search traffic, you have to do SEO on your content and website.

Search Engine Optimization starts with domain registration. You have to use your primary keywords in your domain name. Your keywords should match your blogging niche. For example, if you want to blog on food, try to include words like food, cooking, recipe on your domain name.

While designing your blog/website, use keywords on the site title, site description, and meta tags.

Blogging is not just about writing and publishing articles, Blogging requires SEO skills, digital marketing skills, and also web designing skills. You can succeed only when you have all of these skills.
Of course knowing search engine optimisation is very essential if you really want to become successful online. Whether you are a blogger or an internet marketer, youdefinitely know how search engine optimisation works and how you can use it to your advantage and make a lot of money online.
I didn't know that domain name has a strong effect on the SEO of the site. But now I guess it is only proper to include such keywords in the domain name not only for the purpose of the SEO but also for the reader. A domain name "Gardening is fun" will give the idea that the blog is about gardening.
If your domain name contains the primary keyword of your website, your website will be easily discovered on Google and other search engines when someone uses the same keyword to make searches. However, these days it is becoming extremely difficult to get a perfect domain name for your website for your chosen keyword.
Unless you hire SEO consultant, it is quite impossible to rank high on search engines. Your efforts will never pay you unless you yourself are SEO consultant. You might be following every rules and strategies yet ranking #1 or on the first page is almost impossible. The tips mentioned are good bu not enough
The best SEO tips for Newbie would be start use add the YOAST plugin if they are using a Wordpress website
I think search engine optimisation skill is very important for whoever engaging in blogging in any niche. search engine optimisation skill will give you a chance to dominate your niche without spending a fortune. I have a friend who dominated pet image because he was among The few who have good knowledge about search engine optimisation.
If you have a blog, forum or a website, it is very necessary to learn SEO skills. It is not possible to hire SEO expert to do SEO on your site frequently. It is financially not viable. You can learn SEO for free. You don't have to spend money to learn SEO. All you need is to spend time to learn
Keyword research is very important when someone is just starting out with blogging. This will help to avoid competition in any niche. Also you will be able to generate free organic traffic if you are targeting easy to rank keywords in your blog. Another benefit is that you don't need to build series of backlinks before you rank on the first page of Google for the keywords you are targeting
Using the appropriate keywords is very important. There are certain things that you should know about keywords, for instance, it is better to use long-tail search terms instead of keywords. That's because long-tail search terms are exact search queries that help you to rank on the top position on search engines.
The best SEO tips for Newbie would be start use add the YOAST plugin if they are using a Wordpress website
Yoast Plugin is available for all kinds of CMS and not only limited to WordPress one so even you have Drupal CMS installed or Joomla you can also cherish their service but due to different administration panels, some tricks vary from one plugin to another one. But the principle is the same is to add keywords and meta tags (meta keywords are deprecated).