Save money taking from home-made launches


VIP Contributor
So you want to launch a new product, but you don't have the budget to pay for a commercial launch? No problem. You can take your own product and show it off in your own way. It's called home-made launches, and they can be a good way of getting the word out about your new product without breaking the bank.

The first thing you need is an idea for a new product. If it's something that doesn't exist yet, or if you want to create something entirely new, then you'll need to come up with some sort of prototype before moving forward with this.

The second thing you'll need is a way to display your idea for others to see. You could hire someone else to do it for you, but sometimes this can be expensive and time consuming. Or you could use an old car as your display vehicle! This can work well if there's already some interest in what you're doing - if not, then maybe it's best just stick to using whatever's available at hand until such time as something better comes along?
The best way to save money on a launch is to avoid paying for it in the first place. The launch is a chance for your product to get noticed, so give it the attention it deserves. Use social media, blogs, and other channels to tell people what you're doing.

If you're not sure how to get this kind of exposure, ask other businesses in your industry whether they've used any services like this before and how they were able to benefit from them. If they've been successful, they'll likely be happy to share their experiences with you and offer advice on how you can make your own launch as effective as theirs. However, it's not always easy as the thread, you need to put in much effort and time, use several sttegies till you find the right one. In reality, you will fail, but you will be successful when you don't give up.