Saving Money Recap: Your Guide to Saving Through the Year


With the new year in full swing, now marks an ideal time to reflect on saving strategies for the months ahead. Establishing smart financial targets early on sets the foundation for security and growth. Here’s a quick month-by-month guide:

January - Boost retirement accounts and plan major financial goals for the year.
February - Organize taxes and use any refunds wisely to pay down debt or bulk up emergency savings.
March - Rebalance investments, review insurance policies for savings, start a college fund with tax refunds.
April - Revise budgets as needed now that winter utilities expenses decline. Add savings to an upcoming summer vacation fund.
May - Trim expenses through spring cleaning/selling unused items. Save more toward year-end holidays.
June - Max out employee benefits like FSAs, HSAs early to maximize tax-advantaged savings.
July - At mid-year, confirm on track for annual financial targets or adjust. Lock in holiday travel plans with points or cash saved.
August/September - As summer ends, build emergency savings funds to handle unexpected costs like car repairs or medical bills.
October/November - Last chance to fund IRAs, 401ks, and FSAs for the tax year. Shop early holiday deals.
December - Enjoy celebrations on a budget. Plan “no spend” weeks to offset seasonal costs.

Staying on top of your savings goals each month prevents scrambling later!