Reasons why you should start and run your own business

Starting your own business is a good thing and there are many reasonsto do that. Though it's not for everybody to run a business, however when you run a business...
1. You get the opportunity to be exposed to other avenues and to meet people of different kinds.
2. Through your clients you're able to learn how to handle all kinds of people in termsof their temperaments.
3. You become your own boss and become the employer.
Reason why you should have your own business because all the profit will be yours when you are working under someone you won't be able to do as you like but when it's your own business you know how you can run your things so having your own business is very ok and is a business that will that brings you more money
There is nothing you can compare with having your own business which make you a self reliant person but however you can not just rule away working for someone else as well. We need to work for people before people work for us. But we only need to plan the years that we intend to work for people before setting up our own business enterprise as well. In fact, we need salary work to gather money for our own business.
When I was nearing 40 that was the time that I succumbed to the lure of business. I opened up a boutique that I really thought would be my livelihood in lieu of employment. Unfortunately I was not lucky in business. Don't get me wrong but I did a research and I did not miss any element needed to succeed. But again, I was unlucky in business.
It is far better starting your own business than working from 8 to 6 for wages or salary which are sometimes not paid as at when due.

So that is why I pointed out some reasons why starting and running your own business is the best thing that can happen to an individual.

The following are reasons why you should start your own business;

- The feeling of fulfilment and accomplishment that comes after you see your business up and running is next to nothing.

- Your bank account grows when your business has been established and growing successfully.

- You become Independent, intact people will now depend on you sort of.

- The ability to work when you want to and create more time for your family and loved ones.

- You have created an asset by establishing you business and as it grows, the value or worth also grows.

Those are the little ones I can come up with, if you have other reason for establishing a business and managing it, feel free to share. cheers.
Ones should make sure that you have your own business because there is nothing as good as making their own business stand.
Business owner should be independent and that we give him/her opportunity to make decision.
Become self dependent you are also becoming financially free, u also develop your sense of thinking as you come to the outside world of competition
Starting my own business is a necessity for me. In my country a person who earns 15,000 Rupees per month has no future at all. This is because the expenses in my country as far much above that much amount and rich people take advantage of people. Economy is very bad and people have no jobs, so they have no choice but to work for those rates. The only person who is successful in my countryis a person who runs hisn own business and earns huge profits and my focus is to start earning profits by running my own business.
Reason why why you need to start start your own business are many on they is no way you can really on someone business to be a successful person in life . starting a new business or your own business can give you more zeal an encouragement to work harder than when you are working under someone else . You may have a determination and focus and you can have a strong ways of income that will make you to be someone in life
Like I have always advised people here and some other sites, if you want to have a financial freedom then start your own business. when you have your own business you are your own boss and nobody is paying you salary, you can travel at anytime you want without anybody harassing you or insulting you. That is why I prefer venturing into online business.
You detailed alot of things and that's cool. Building your own business comes with challenges because the road to greatness is not always easy but it is usually worth it. Running 9 to 5 job for someone else is usually not the best though most of us needs capital to start our own business and that's why we have to work for someone first in order to raise funds for our business.


It is far better starting your own business than working from 8 to 6 for wages or salary which are sometimes not paid as at when due.

So that is why I pointed out some reasons why starting and running your own business is the best thing that can happen to an individual.

The following are reasons why you should start your own business;

- The feeling of fulfilment and accomplishment that comes after you see your business up and running is next to nothing.

- Your bank account grows when your business has been established and growing successfully.

- You become Independent, intact people will now depend on you sort of.

- The ability to work when you want to and create more time for your family and loved ones.

- You have created an asset by establishing you business and as it grows, the value or worth also grows.

Those are the little ones I can come up with, if you have other reason for establishing a business and managing it, feel free to share. cheers.
It is far better starting your own business than working from 8 to 6 for wages or salary which are sometimes not paid as at when due.

So that is why I pointed out some reasons why starting and running your own business is the best thing that can happen to an individual.

The following are reasons why you should start your own business;

- The feeling of fulfilment and accomplishment that comes after you see your business up and running is next to nothing.

- Your bank account grows when your business has been established and growing successfully.

- You become Independent, intact people will now depend on you sort of.

- The ability to work when you want to and create more time for your family and loved ones.

- You have created an asset by establishing you business and as it grows, the value or worth also grows.

Those are the little ones I can come up with, if you have other reason for establishing a business and managing it, feel free to share. cheers.
For people who are working under authoritative employers and those who are being paid peanuts at the end of the month, also for those whose bosses (employees) treat as if they are their slaves, this thread is for you. I have always personally loved to be the owner of my own business, not subjected to anyone's commandments and not waiting for anyone to decide before I can make a living. Having your own business requires full concentration and other things.
There are so many important reasons you should start running your own business.the few I can mention are
You will be independant, your bank account will grow high, you will be the boss of your self, own assets of your own both fix and current, you will have different ways of income by investing in different area of business, and you wi be financially stable.
If you are not doing personal business it means you are working somewhere or you have invested into someone else business, what a very brilliant idea but I will tell you that you are only helping another man in building his dreams while you neglected yours and may later become a forgotten dream.
There are a lot of reasons why one should start a personal business. Few of them will be highlighted; you can only venture in to personal business if you have it in mind to go beyond a little bit above poor level to riches or wealth. When working and you are been paid salary or wages, you will be stable financially but can't be wealthy.
There is nothing like having and managing your own business this is because I have worked for a person before it was not easy at all, the time you will have to spend with the family and again your respect though not all business owners abuses but most knowing fully well that you depends on their salary to survive.
Reasons why you should start your own business are numerous, the advantages far outwit the disadvantages, one the reasons being you become your own boss, you dictate your own working hours. And also you will have time for other issues like having to do some online business in addition to it. All this you can't do while working under someone.
In agreement to what you say,most times I see business as a means to secure for your future,I wouldn't want my children or grand children to come and start for the crash,that's why even as I build my business,I equally build tentacles to connect the business to various locations,who you are is a replication of your investment on ground.
According to my own point of view I believe there are many reasons why you should start running your own business. as for me I believe running your own business will give you more privacy and also it will earn you more respect and at the end of the day you will end up getting more profit than doing business for others or working for others. Doing your own business will also help you in getting more interest and also you have your own policy
one basic reason why should start up your own business is for you to be a part of your world because being a box of your own makes you to make decisions and carried out objectives of your own without any interaction or distraction from anyone this also allows you to achieve your dreams and in more than being an employee.however is very difficult for you to become a boss on your own but it all depends on your consistency vision and dreams.