Online retailing of nuts for snacks is a hit with movie streaming addicts


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This might be a petty topic but I was surprised to know that it is a money maker now in the internet. There are several online sellers of nuts for snacking. One seller said that buyers are usually those lovers of Netflix. They watch movies for hours and their habit is to have something in the mouth. Gone are the days of popcorn, sorry about that.

The nuts are in small packets that are good for one person which makes it very convenient for the buyer. Pistachio and peanuts are the most salable but they also have macadamia, our local Pili nut and butterfly beans, salted and fried green peas, and crunch corn. The delivery is done within the day so as not to disappoint the buyers.
This sounds very interesting though I have never heard of it. But it is a good way for nuts sellers to make more sales. So do they go to these streaming sites to advertise their nuts for patronage? I’m just wondering how they pull this off, but it is a nice business opportunity
I have never heard about online sale of nuts and snacks. I do not know if someone is conducting such kind of business, however, whenever a person wants to watch a movie, he or she can just go and purchase snacks. There are not online sellers of nuts and snacks in my area. However, there are certainly many shops that sell snacks and nuts and you can buy them and enjoy eating snacks on weekends when watching a movie.
I have never heard about online sale of nuts and snacks. I do not know if someone is conducting such kind of business, however, whenever a person wants to watch a movie, he or she can just go and purchase snacks. There are not online sellers of nuts and snacks in my area. However, there are certainly many shops that sell snacks and nuts and you can buy them and enjoy eating snacks on weekends when watching a movie.
I agree with the snack bar in the lobby of the theater. However, we are in the pandemic era that theaters and other entertainment businesses are closed. People are into streaming now to watch movies for entertainment. They prefer to be snacking on what they want like the nuts that I have mentioned in this thread.
A food business is a recession-proof business. No matter what happens, people will always buy food. It is one of the few businesses that are not very risky. I think selling instant snacks online especially to those who stream movies can be very profitable because a lot of people like minching while watching movies.
of course!! food business is legit very successful nowadays
I think Food delivery app will be a great idea. You can partner with a couple of restaurants and then sell their dishes through your app. When the food gets ordered, you can earn commission. If you advertise your app to the movie addicts who binge watch, I think your app will be an instant hit.
A lot of people will know that people only love to watch movies especially long movies like videos and football usually like to eat something along with it. This is why you can always make it shops that sell snacks like popcorn and biscuits around cinemas and hearing centres. You can also be able to make the best out of this industry but I do not think setting up an online business is going to be ideal. A lot of people are going to prefer to buy this kind of things in their local shops so I think you should follow with the thread.

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