Mine 0.2 btc Using Cryptofree.com


New member
Hi guys, so I've been doing this since 2020 and i thought to share it with you. Do You know you can actually mine 0.2 btc and more using Cryptofree.com? I know most people will say that's too much but it's actually the truth. Even i didn't believe it at first until i made my first cash out and since then I've been cashing out more often. All they want you to do is to register and get your account verified after 10 days of successful registration it's absolutely free to start and you can accumulate this 0.2 btc by taking 7 free rolls daily and also doing some referrals. It's not that hard, once you are consistent and able to get up to 100 referrals and some bonuses they'll give you then ur sure to hit 0.2 faster within a week and u can initiate withdrawal immediately.
Sounds so cool to hear, but what I found so doubtful or should I rather say not convenient or question rather is, do you mean to say that when I have accumulated 0.2btc I must have up to a 100 referrals before cashing out?
😂😂😂I'm glad i found the platform im working with my money my rules yoo.!