Marketing via home TV vs YouTube video marketing


VIP Contributor
I have been seeing the home tv shopping style of marketing that I thought would end when the social media came to town. But they are still there on tv, In our cable connection there are 4 channels dedicated to home tv shopping marketing that I’m sure they are still selling good otherwise they will be gone.

What is the advantage of the home tv shopping? The customers have the privilege of viewing a complete review of the product with the video that is shown. There is also a phone number for the convenience of the order. In the online shopping some of the products have no details so you can be hesitant in buying expensive products. I guess the home tv shopping will be here to stay regardless of the competition.
If you are trying to sell to housewives who watch a lot of soaps, I think TV ads can be beneficial. You can also benefit by advertising during live matches or tournaments. But TV ads are expensive compared to online ads. For TV ads $100 is very small amount but $100 is big amount for online ads.
To be frank, this type of advertisement do not drive more people than social media. It only drives some set of people like house wives that do watch television. I cannot even remember the last time I watched television programs. Even while watching YouTube, I do skip the adverts anytime it pops up.
I think only old people watch TV, most of the youths are too busy on their handheld devices watching youtube or playing games. Whether you should advertise on youtube or TV depends on your product and your target audience. If you want to sell to old people advertise on TV.
In this era of social media, it will be waste of money if a business man is thinking of using TV advertising in promoting his business when he can actually spend less if he knows how to use the social media very well in driving people to what he might be selling