Managing Debt at University


Attending university often means taking on student loans and other debt. With tuition, housing, books, food and other expenses, debt is difficult to avoid for many students. However, with careful planning and budgeting, students can minimize and manage their debt during college.

1. Start with federal student loans, which have low fixed interest rates and flexible repayment options. Complete the FASFA each year to maximize federal loan eligibility before exploring private loans or lines of credit. Research and apply for scholarships - an hour a week can yield thousands in free money over time.

2. Pick an affordable school and living option to reduce overall costs. Consider commuting from home or choosing the most economic meal plan and housing. Split costs with roommates. Buy used textbooks or rent instead of new. Avoid piling up credit card debt by sticking to a monthly budget. Track spending to cut unnecessary expenses.

3. Work during school, even 10 hours per week, to put cash towards costs and reduce loan amounts. Apply for part-time jobs with tuition assistance benefits. Tutor, wait tables, work campus jobs or leverage your skills for freelance gigs.

4. Learn about income-based repayment plans to manage loan payments after graduating. Pay off highest interest debt first. Make payments on time to build credit history. Communicate with lenders if struggling. Live frugally in the first few years out of college to ramp up loan payments.

With smart planning, students can cover costs now and repay debt manageably after graduation. Budget thoughtfully, minimize expenses, work during school and take advantage of federal loan programs. Managing debt strategically reduces long-term financial stress.