Making money with free blog

Finger Geek

Verified member
Blogging is on of the best way to make money online. Many people have been decieved by some people that we can not start a blog without spending money. This is not true as there are many bloggers that started with free blog and are now making lots of money every day with there blog. An example is, it started with a free blog from Google before buying a domain name and she still use the free blog only that she is paying for the domain name.

To open a free blog from Google. We will need to enter and sign up with our new or old gmail account. We will enter the name we wish to choose. In just 2 minutes the blog will be set-up and from there we can start posting articles on the blog.

After we have created our blog and posted lots of articles like up to 20, we can apply for Google AdSense and if our articles are well written, the blog will be accepted and from there we will be making money.
Even with the Proboards forum, you could set up ads as I did with my trial forum with the A-Ads network. The trial while joining the Naiwen forum which requires signing up under the pro boards and installing a plugin as a rotator of ads and this works this is my personal experience.
Trust me you can not make money from a free blog. If making $1-$2 is all you need, you might be able to earn that amount from a free blog, but you might not be able to make a good amount. If you have monetized your free blog with Adsense, you might not be able to receive money until you have earned $100 and it might take many years before you reach that payment threshold. There are many reason why you cannot make money from free blogs. First of all there are limited options, for example, you can use adsense only on blogspot, you cannot use adsense else where. Secondly, it is difficult to get your free blog ranked. Even if you managed to rank, it will be very difficult to get traffic because the internet searchers rarely click the search results that show a subdomain site ( a free site)