Make money on DaisyLooms. com


VIP Contributor
I have been trying to add more sites to my daily activities so I just added. Daisylooms. com to my list. This is beauty and fashion forum where you make money by answering questions and asking questions on fashion and beauty.

You earn 20 gems per reply and you can reply up to 10 answers per day, then after the first 20 you can earn 10 gems for another 20 answers for that day. 5 gems for unlimited answers after the first 40 posts There is no posting limit on the site for now

You would get per question 2 gems and there's no posting limit too. know that 10 gems = one cent. You would need to post up to 245 characters per reply to get the reward but the site is sure fun. Again it is a new site so no payment proof for now.

What do you think about this site? what's your experience? you can pm for a link if you want.
To be honest, I have not heard about this site before. It seems to be very interesting though. I will search for it and read some reviews about this platform first before joining because I would not like to waste time and effort on a site that it is not legit. Thank you for letting us know about it.