Knowing what method works best for you in saving


Valued Contributor
Saving is something that at times requires some level of planning and resoluteness. There are many people I have come across that have told me of their experiences while trying to adopt the habit of saving money. Some say that they have tried out many saving plans that didn't work for them but rather they paid direly for trying it out because it wasn't suiting to them.

Now, in this thread I'll be giving some sort of guide on how to approach saving ok the right way to avoid adopting plans that do not go well with your personality.

• First and foremost you must know what your weaknesses are financially. You should be able to pin point places that you usually face difficulty while trying to live a healthy financial life.

• Then next is to point out your areas of strength. Know what you can do better financially and that will be what you will use to get an edge over your weaknesses.

• Avoid plans that have a good level of relationship and correlation with your weaknesses. If you are one that cannot keep money physically as a weakness, then avoid plans that involve keeping money physically.

• Moreso, and also most importantly, test out your plan. This means you keep a close watch on your progress before relaxing into the plan.
That's right, in a nutshell what this means is that we should always go for what works well for us. It is not always advisable to only go for what others are doing it might become a pitfalls for you. Try to go for what would make it easy for you to accomplish your goals

For me I love to save myself. I plan on the percentage of money that I can be saving fhen I go for it and it has been working for me.