Key Steps To Get Your Financial House In Order Now


VIP Contributor
It's time for you to get your financial house in order.

There are a lot of ways that you can do it, and we're not going to tell you what to do. But we will give you these steps:

1. Track your spending and income on a regular basis (we recommend at least once a week) and make sure that they match up with what you're actually getting paid or bringing in.

2. Make sure that all of your bills are being paid on time, including things like insurance and credit cards, so that no one gets hit with late fees or overcharges because they didn't pay their bill in time or missed a payment entirely by accident.

3. Make sure that all of your expenses are tracked properly as well. for instance, if you have an expense account for travel or other expenses that happen regularly over time, keep track of them so that when something unexpected happens like an emergency trip home for family reasons. you can get reimbursed easily enough without having to track down receipts from years ago by memory alone!

4. Figure out your top 3 priorities and work out how they can be tackled in the coming year. These should include paying off debt, starting a savings account, and reducing or eliminating your monthly expenses.

5. Make a budget. It's time to ditch the old ways of thinking about money because they're no longer working for anyone! Instead, embrace new habits like setting aside a set amount of money every month for savings, or using an app like Digit that helps you track your spending so that it's easier to manage your finances more effectively.