Surveys Is It Possible To Make 1dollar Per Day On Trendri?


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I was facing a lot of electricty outage in my area so I was not able to post regularly on Trendri but now the problem has been resolved. I would like to know if it is possible to make $1 per day posting daily on Trendri Forum. I want to post a lot, but I am not sure if other members are earning as much amount of money in.

Although going by rules each post can attract a total of 0.020 dollars and having a thread attracts a total of 0.055 dollars but is it very easy to meet up with that bench mark. I know typing something creative takes time and it takes careful and articulate work.

But to be candid Trendri really stands out amongst the pack it is one of the best paying working to earn site in the globe today and they always do well to keep to their promise.

So is it possible to make $1 per day? How much do you make per day in here?
Yes. It is very possible to get one dollar per day on trendri but it is not that easy. You will have to put all your time and mind into it. It may take a full day without doing much in other places. To me, I think it is possible but time taking to meet up with the target.
If you do all the 15 posts, you earn 30 cents and for the 5 threads, you earn another 25 cents. So it's a total of 55 cents that you make keeping the limit that we have here. Now to make up for the rest 45 cents, you need to get so many replies to the threads that you created. And that does not seem possible. So, I don't think one can make one dollar in day. And even making these 55 cents from your side will need a lot of time and ideas. I get exhausted after posting 10_12 posts. I am not sure if someone is making that one dollar here on a daily basis.
If you make 15 comments and 10 threads a day, you only get to earn $0.85 which is not up to the $1 that you are talking about. This means that earninng one dollar is going to be really difficult. If people make comments on your threads, it would also get you some earninngs though, but it's still not much money.
I am sorry..I wrote that we can make 5 threads here in 24 hours. Actually we can make 10 threads. Even then we end up making 85 cents and getting another 15 cents from the replies on your threads would be challenging. You need to have a good number of threads and many people should be replying to it.
Gone are the days when you can even make more than $2 per day on trendri. That was the day of unlimited post of threads and comments. You would be the one get tired those days. But now, some people that love cheating the system, ruined the websites and nearly got the websites shut down totally only for the sake of God and a dedicated administrator who deposite all what they did still paid them after reopening of the site.
Gone are the days when you can even make more than $2 per day on trendri. That was the day of unlimited post of threads and comments. You would be the one get tired those days. But now, some people that love cheating the system, ruined the websites and nearly got the websites shut down totally only for the sake of God and a dedicated administrator who deposite all what they did still paid them after reopening of the site.
Oh! I was not aware that we had unlimited posts and threads here on Trendri. That would have been a golden opportunity for many users to make a good earning. It's sad that people start spamming with such opportunities and then the sites have to change the rules and regulations. Also paying that amount to so many users would not have been a profitable thing for the site. So they had to come up with this limit of posts and threads to discourage spamming and also to have a more sustainable model for the site.
Considering the statistics at our disposal, it is very obvious that we can not make 1$ daily on trendri. It's very bad going through all the racking of the brain all day, one can't boast of earning $1 dollar a day.
If you want to make something tangible online , you don't have to depend solely on PTP sites. The payout is ridiculous and can not even by one month data subscription
Oh! I was not aware that we had unlimited posts and threads here on Trendri. That would have been a golden opportunity for many users to make a good earning. It's sad that people start spamming with such opportunities and then the sites have to change the rules and regulations. Also paying that amount to so many users would not have been a profitable thing for the site. So they had to come up with this limit of posts and threads to discourage spamming and also to have a more sustainable model for the site.
Probably you joined late. Around last year till February this year, it was unlimited and when the site came to normal in April, it was still unlimited until some people started spamming the site which made the administrator to set limitations on both thread and posts. If not that, you can make as much as you want per day. I just wish the administrator can be lenient once more.
I am happy to read various comments and ideas about this 1 Dollar thing. Well, it's okay if we earn less than a Dollar as we can add what we earn from other sites that we have. What is more important is for the site to grow and become more successful. Though earning 1 Dollar per day here would be such a big help. But I would still go for having a little less so long as the site continues to exist and thrive the in the online world.
Probably you joined late. Around last year till February this year, it was unlimited and when the site came to normal in April, it was still unlimited until some people started spamming the site which made the administrator to set limitations on both thread and posts. If not that, you can make as much as you want per day. I just wish the administrator can be lenient once more.
Admin is trying his best to keep this site going and to have a sustainable model. A site will exist only if it makes profit. If it has to pay so many users so much money on a daily basis, it might not be a sustainable model for it. He might have realised it after a trial period. It is so sad that instead of supporting and cooperating with admin, people start spamming the site. Many sites just shut down because of these spammers. Sites keep changing their rules and payment structure as they evolve. Admin here seems to be prompt, responsive and involved.
And I would say that despite the limitations, it is one of the best to make good money. I mean even if you do the minimum posts and threads and get no reply on your threads, you make 85 cents in a day and that is very decent.
Before it was possible. But now it not easy to earn $1 on Trendri forum. Because there are recent upgrade on the forum. So the limit on post post reply and bpost thread has changed to 15 post reply per day while 10 post thread per day adding up to $0.85 per day. But your replies can make it $1
It's not very easy though because before you can smell $1 per day, you have to post several threads and hope people are being responsive to your threads. So you can earn from the interactions. I think if anyone wants to make it possible, the person will have to be active here all day and do almost nothing offline, which is not possible, I guess
Making money on the Trendri website forum has been one of the greatest experience I have encountered on small paying gig websites . although I do not track my earnings in a particular day but if I were to approximate or estimate my earnings in a particular day it will cedar fall on the range of $2 to $3 . It is absolutely possible to make more than $1 on the Trendri website forum , because the website is actually free legit , easily accessible , and most importantly paying etc . Also coupled with the fact that they are being of the website is very generous and friendly but in order for you to earn from his friendship and generosity you must make sure to abide by the forums rules and regulations so as not to be restricted or possibly get banned .

During the year 2018 when I started implementing my intentions to make money online , I have personally worked on varieties of paid to post website forums and to be sincere none of them is as interesting to work on as the Trendri website forum . And in every passing day majority of new members are joining the Trendri website forum , this simply portrays how legit and paying it is .
Wow! $2_3 in a day from a single site is a big achievement.
I totally agree that out of all the forum sites that I know and work on, Trendri is the best paying one. And making a good amount here on daily basis would be much easier. But then do keep in mind to follow the rules and guidelines and to not scam it.
It would need some good time management and some good research to come with new ideas for discussions.
Yes, it is very possible to make $1 everyday on Trendri forum and so far, I have been making a dollar online on my free days. If you are able to make a total of fifteen post with 200words count, then you would make a full one dollar, which is about 3000words or more in a day. To be sincere, I think the work I put into the site is just too much for $1, if there was a way that the reward could be augmented, it would encourage a lot of users. each time I refer friends to this site, they just laugh at me and say that I am suffering in a broad daylight but be it as it may, I need the money which is the more reason I have to encourage myself on every occasion which I have the chance.

I really hope that rather than the reward decreasing to $0.080 for comment which before now was always $0.084 but I still do not know why it has not been reverted just as the management had said in a notification I got and for creating threads, it is now $0.092 but before this time, it was $0.12 and with this, I do not really find it motivating as before because I had expected to be earning higher and not decreasing but I trust that he Admin would look into this in order to spark encouragement.
Yes, it is very possible to make $1 everyday on Trendri forum and so far, I have been making a dollar online on my free days. If you are able to make a total of fifteen post with 200words count, then you would make a full one dollar, which is about 3000words or more in a day. To be sincere, I think the work I put into the site is just too much for $1, if there was a way that the reward could be augmented, it would encourage a lot of users. each time I refer friends to this site, they just laugh at me and say that I am suffering in a broad daylight but be it as it may, I need the money which is the more reason I have to encourage myself on every occasion which I have the chance.

I really hope that rather than the reward decreasing to $0.080 for comment which before now was always $0.084 but I still do not know why it has not been reverted just as the management had said in a notification I got and for creating threads, it is now $0.092 but before this time, it was $0.12 and with this, I do not really find it motivating as before because I had expected to be earning higher and not decreasing but I trust that he Admin would look into this in order to spark encouragement.
This is true. The admins are facing a lot of challenges also and @Fecoms is trying his best so we wouldn't run into debt. This forum rely on ad revenues generated by us for payment. So if we could make more search engine enticing content and get a lot of visitors then payments may be increased. But I will like to make a plea to the admin to increase and reward those who make good contents just to motivate into making good contents. I also want to add that it would be great if the admin increase the pay for up to 500 words so that those who write up to 500 to a thousand words can get a good reward. I believe longer words and good pay increase would make this forum more like quora and reddit.
I was facing a lot of electricty outage in my area so I was not able to post regularly on Trendri but now the problem has been resolved. I would like to know if it is possible to make $1 per day posting daily on Trendri Forum. I want to post a lot, but I am not sure if other members are earning as much amount of money in.

Although going by rules each post can attract a total of 0.020 dollars and having a thread attracts a total of 0.055 dollars but is it very easy to meet up with that bench mark. I know typing something creative takes time and it takes careful and articulate work.

But to be candid Trendri really stands out amongst the pack it is one of the best paying working to earn site in the globe today and they always do well to keep to their promise.

So is it possible to make $1 per day? How much do you make per day in here?
Good afternoon from my region everyone! Thank you very much for your nice post about Trendri. It is true that people are becoming more and more interested in working online today. This is because online jobs are considered to be easier and less stressful than offline jobs. When you work online, you can work from the comfort of your own home without a boss checking your work or perhaps pushing you to work harder and harder causing you stress in this way. Furthermore, you can have flexible working hours so as to arrange your daily schedule as you wish. This means that you can spend more time with your family and friends or do your hobbies.

As far as I am concerned, I enjoy working online. My favourite earning site is Trendri. Actually, Trendri is the only earning site I trust and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in making some money online. I would not change Trendri for any other platform because it is simply the best! In my opinion, it is possible to make 1 dollar per day on Trendri. Of course, it depends on the available time you have every day so as to work on this platform. Thanks again for your nice post about my favourite earning site, Trendri!
Gone are the days when you can even make more than $2 per day on trendri. That was the day of unlimited post of threads and comments. You would be the one get tired those days. But now, some people that love cheating the system, ruined the websites and nearly got the websites shut down totally only for the sake of God and a dedicated administrator who deposite all what they did still paid them after reopening of the site.
When tredri first started I was one of the first member back then and you can easily make up to $2 daily but i had to leave to take care of my offline business that needed attention , but ever since I got back few months, I have never been able to make $1 daily because I dont even know how it works anymore , but trendri forum sites still remains one of the best forum site out there where you can earn and also keep upgrading your writing skills.
I never kept any serious goals for any online site that I work for. Sometimes I keep daily goals for fun sake. On most of the days, online sites help me use my free time between chores and job in a good way. I learn a lot and get to interact with people. It's fun and relaxing. And the little extra money that I make is always a bonus and is motivating.
There has been just a couple of days when I earned close to dollar one on one of the other site. Otherwise I have never made one dollar on any one site alone in day. I have made one dollar a number of times in a day. But then I have spend some good number of hours working on few sites together in a day.
I have no personal experience of earning one dollar in a day here. But yes, there are many users who have mentioned it from time to time that they do so. Trendri is definitely one of the best paying sites. Lately there has been a temporary restrictions on the number of daily posts here and to earn from them. But that is temporary and should be uplifted soon. It has not effected me as I could never reach the maximum number of daily posts here so far.

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