If you had 100million dollars, will you invest or retire?


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Economics told us that human needs are insatiable but I think that's only theoretical and not practical because I strongly belive that once one has eaten to his full, he won't be interested in any meal offered to him no matter how delicious and appealing it is.

I don't belive that one has to continually struggle all through ones entire existence or lifetime on earth. There must be that level or height or threshold as many may call it that on arrival you can begin to take the needed rest and escape the hazard and stress for work.

You may not have set the amount of money needed for you to proceed on retirement but assuming you have 100 million dollars, would that be sufficient for you to proceed on retirement or will you still invest and keep doing business?

Share your opinions.
100 million dollars is a lot of money, I could decide to retire or I could reinvest it to get more money that's a choice that I alone have to make. 100 million is too much of a money for 1 person ,I would give a lot to charity and would invest the rest so as to continue the circle of helping people and making more money at the same time.Putting into consideration the amount of people who are need of help are large thou there a lot of foundation who are already helping more would be great so helping would be my major stuff i have that large sum of money
there are sometimes you will get so much money in this world that you may not actually be able to know what to do with this money again ,in this situation I think I will use most of my money and make sure that I changed a lot of life as much as possible because these are the things that will bring happiness to you and a lot of people .
As long as their life their is means of generating more funds. Retirement isn't a thing I'll do when I'm still young. Even if i get all the money on earth I'll simply be around to invest more and more to add to my income, assist those in needy, give to charitable scheme to help the most vulnerable ones.
If I have 100 million dollars in my account, I am going to divide it into three. The first portion of the money will go straight into my savings account. This will serve as a backup for me if it happens that the rest of the money is gone. The second portion of the money we go straight into real estate investment which will be bringing me passive income. The third portion will be for day-to-day expenses and charity.
If such an opportunity comes to me I'll invest 50% of that total amount of money in cryptocurrency and I used 25% of that money to build a house and set up a standard business,if I'm done with all this and everything is normal I will have nothing to lose because, cryptocurrency is the best investment
Having a one hundred million dollars that huge and can make some thing real good to happen and will be benefit for my generation. So to make this happen I think I will have to invest it on something profitable and can be monitored by my children after I passed away
If I have $100 I will invest in two deferent type of business and when the business bringing good profit I will retire voluntrly
If I had $100million I will never be poor again, neither will my generation or lineage ever taste poverty, because I will invest in a wide chain of business, first will be agriculture, I will go straight into cashew and rubber and I will invest in transportation business and I will buy alot of shares all over the world and invest in crypto too.
Oh my goodness, hundreds million dollars? May be I need reading glasses to read it again. If I have fifty percent of that in my custody. I will retire straight away and enjoy my life. The only thing I can do is to put certain percentage of that fund in fixed deposit and insurance policy. Thereafter, I will just leave this situation hole and seek for asylum in a peaceful country.
If I have $100miion I will invest and also do voluntary retirement. In the first place I will take my time to do my research on the best investment or business I can put it on, after which I will have to disengage from my current job legally and peacefully so as to have time to face my business squarely.
With that amount of money, personally for me, I would never have to work again in my life. I am still very young and I plan to retire early..

I already Investment ideas that are very sure.. though with low interest. But with such huge amount I could making very enough to take care of myself, family and others without having to work for anyone. Now that's the goal.
I'm already retired and my mortgage is paid off so I guess I would spend some on myself and my family and keep the rest for my kids to inherit when I die. I might buy a bigger property and a nice car before that happens though. I want to be able to enjoy some of it.
Economics told us that human needs are insatiable but I think that's only theoretical and not practical because I strongly belive that once one has eaten to his full, he won't be interested in any meal offered to him no matter how delicious and appealing it is.

I don't belive that one has to continually struggle all through ones entire existence or lifetime on earth. There must be that level or height or threshold as many may call it that on arrival you can begin to take the needed rest and escape the hazard and stress for work.

You may not have set the amount of money needed for you to proceed on retirement but assuming you have 100 million dollars, would that be sufficient for you to proceed on retirement or will you still invest and keep doing business?

Share your opinions.
100 million you say, even with less of this I will so retire from active service. Why would I want to continue suffering my self in the name of work. I will just invest some and keep some for day to day denands. This is a whole lot of money so I will rest
I find it hard to believe if there is anyone out there who is tired of making money .why should I make money and retire instead of investing it in things that could actually get my capital doubled for me .becoming rich is all about planning strategy and Investment .make hay while the sun shines
Human needs are insatiable but I will ad to it that it depends on one's current age. At this my age that I have not yet have a family, I will retire from working for people and invest the money so it can yield more money for me and my upcoming family.
I think with that amount of money you just spoke of I'm going to make a huge amount of money investing into a very good business I'm talking about the big business I know will bring in millions of Dollars at the end of the investment retiring because you are hundred million dollar is not something anyone should consider because it's $100000000 you can easily make more using that money
Let me be very honest, 100 million dollars is a whole sum of money I wouldn't be able to finish in my lifetime that is if I don't spend it on frivolous things. I would never work again for the rest of my life because if one invest there is a small probability that the Investment wouldn't work and you would have lost your money. I would rather relax and enjoy the rest of my life not worrying about a thing.
If at this age of mine i will get 100million i will not retired from my job. What i will do is investment and i will not invest it anyway but i will look for the investment places that have lower risk and invest the money. For instead i can buy land and build shop give them for hiring, i will build houses for rent. Or will go for training of how to trade crypto currency and learn then i will start it small small
This is huge money never the less it is not up to the richest person. Even the richest person in the world is still investing, why won't I want to invest in good business in other to earn more money. It is money that you invest that will multiply the one you did not invest will neither multiply but it can also decrease.
Thats correct but you see that everyone has different value systems, personally I don't have any plans to compete for the position of the world richest man. I don't plan to do that or to become the richest in my country.

Some people are never tired of making money and unfortunately they never get to spend it on themselves, they keep making money till they depart the earth.