Business Ideas How to start a phone charging business in Nigeria


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This is one business that lucrative in Nigeria as the country experiences epilepstic to no light in some areas. So a lot of people are taking advantage of this shortage and bad light situation to make good money

Yes there's money in this business as you just need to charge a phone to 100% or less for ₦50. When next the same person is charging again you are charging he or she is paying another money.

So making money is made easy with this business.So how do you start this business.

Find a good location
This business needs a busy area that the supply of light is epileptic.Then station your store here.

To succeed with this business you have to be security conscious to avoid losing people's phones when you are in possession for charging.

Right Equipment

Get a good generator that you can keep on from morning till night. This business needs constant light. Get alot of sockets that you plug different phones at the same time.

What do you think about this business?
Due to frequent power outage it's clearly obvious how this kind of business will sell and you can some ridiculous amount of money if you do a feasibility study well and choose a location with good traffic and less competition, I think that's the most important part, but the business itself is a tested and tried method I've seen a lot of people replicate over time.

The number one bottleneck you'll face is access to Petrol, because the price is skyrocketing and lots of marketers are hoarding it, but in this case you can increase the cost of your service and offset the balance with the margins.
The lack of stable electricity has made this business very popular. And it is still waxing very strong. The only challenge with the business is that if one is not careful, people's phones might get missing and the owner of the business has to pay for it. Beyond that, people wake up and scamper around where they would be able to pay for their phones to be charged. It is one of the cheapest businesses to start. One doesn't need to rent a shop for the business. It is only a power generator that is one big cost in the business.