How To Spend Money On Yourself Without Feeling Guilty?


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If you're like most of us, you've probably been taught that "spending money on yourself" is something we should be ashamed of. But the truth is, spending money on yourself is a totally reasonable thing to do and it doesn't have to be like a shameful secret.

Sometimes when we get into our finances, we feel guilty about doing things that are justifiable on paper. For example, if you take your partner out for one night at a nice restaurant and then splurge on a new sofa, it's easy to feel like you're doing something wrong because you haven't budgeted for those expenses in your monthly budget. But if you think about it, there's nothing wrong with treating yourself! If you want to go out to eat with your partner every Friday night and they're okay with it (because they love going out!), then go ahead and treat yourself! It's okay to have fun once in a while!

The key here is knowing what's okay for YOU as an individual and making sure that everything is accounted for in your personal accounts so that no matter how much or little money comes in each month, everything gets spent appropriatel..
Yes it is absolutely very possible for an individual to spend money on him or herself and let her feel guilty about it and that is only possible when he or she doesn't spend the reasonable amount of money on the reasonable amount of things that consecutively considers him or herself guilty. What that means is that when an individual is influenced by peer pressure to spend a huge amount of money he or she may later regret it. So it is best for us to manage our money and only spend it on the things that we consider to the needful to our existence.

For example if your group of friends decided to buy it for themselves a brand new car which they may definitely need but to you you do not need a car and also you are not able to afford one for now, but due to the pressure influenced by your friends told you you may end up buying the car and may think that it is beneficial but along the line you may begin to regret as a result of you finding out that you did not need a car at this time of your life but maybe later.
Well in a very simple explanation I don't spend my money unnecessary and I don't spend what I have not budgeted for. That is just one of my rules and regulation .

So even if I have to take someone out I really have to plan and budget a little money for that purpose only. I cannot just do it out of a surprise or because of one reasons or the other when I have no intention of doing.

The only thing that will help people to have a good saving plans and strategy is to be discipline and stick to their saving strategy no matter what May happen
That is one of the things that will stop you from incuring extra expenses on yourself.

A lot of people sometimes feel guilty after spending money on things they have not budgeted for because they are spending more than necessary which is not good.
What I mainly do to avoid feeling guilty for splurging is to create a budget even before I receive my paycheck. I ensure that I deduct money for my savings immediately, and put it somewhere that's not easily accessible to me.

I also try to get necessary things done fast, so any money I spend later is from what I have left and well, I would just have to get by on the small amount left.

I also put in extra hours to account for the amount I spent so I don't feel bad about it continuously. It's also important to remember that you hustle for money so you cam live a comfortable life.

Once in a while, it's okay to spend a bit more than usual to lighten up, make loved ones fell special and enjoy what you have earned through hard work. After that, it's time to double your efforts into savings and investments.
It can be difficult to spend money on yourself without feeling guilty, especially if you’re used to being frugal. However, it’s important to remember that it’s OK to treat yourself every once in a while and that doing so can actually make you happier and healthier. Here are a few tips to help you spend money on yourself without feeling guilty:

1.Set a budget: Before you start spending money on yourself, it’s important to set a budget so that you feel confident that you’re not overspending. That way, you can make sure that you’re only buying what you can afford and not going into debt.

2.Choose something that will make you happy: When deciding what to spend your money on, make sure it’s something that will bring you joy. Consider your hobbies, interests, and passions, and think about what will make you feel good.

3.Look for deals and bargains: There are plenty of deals and bargains to be found if you’re willing to look for them! Consider signing up for email alerts from your favorite stores, or checking out secondhand shops and thrift stores.

4.Set aside time to enjoy your purchase: Once you’ve made your purchase, make sure you set aside time to actually use and enjoy it. Whether it’s a book, a cooking class, or a weekend away, make sure you take the time to truly appreciate it.

By following these tips, you can spend money on yourself without feeling guilty!