How to Reduce The Death Rate of Your Poultry Birds


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1. Set up your farm
The first step to managing a poultry farm is to set it up. You need to figure out what type of birds you're raising, how you're going to house them, how much land they need, and where they fit in the overall scheme of your farm. It's important at this stage to make sure that you have everything in place for the birds' welfare, and that you have enough resources and expertise on hand to properly care for them.

2. Keep things tidy
A clean farm leads to healthy birds, so keeping things clean is one of the most basic requirements for poultry farming. Don't forget about any nooks and crannies: birds can get into all sorts of places, so it's important to be vigilant about cleaning up from top to bottom and everywhere in between.

3. Adequate Space
Make sure your chickens have adequate space to roam about and eat. This can be achieved by having a large fenced-in area, or by rotating areas where the chickens are allowed to roam.

4. Shelter
Provide shelter from the elements. Your hens will need a safe place to get out of the rain and wind, as well as a warm place to stay in cold weather! You can use thick plastic sheets, or build a coop for them.

5. Cleanliness
Clean their water and food regularly to avoid bacteria build-up that could make your chickens sick.
You can reduce the death rate of your poultry birds by following some basic rules. First, make sure your birds have fresh water and food available at all times. This will help them stay healthy, and it also helps keep their feathers from getting dirty and matted.

Second, make sure you are feeding them properly. If you give them a diet that is not balanced with all of the nutrients they need in order to develop properly (such as protein, calcium, vitamin D3), then they may become obese or sickly.

Third, make sure you are providing them with enough room to move around in so they can exercise and avoid illness. Birds need at least one square foot per bird to live comfortably (this includes not just cages but also roosting areas and nest boxes). The more space they have, the less likely they are to get sick or die from any number of causes.