How To Prevent Damage to Your Spinal Cord


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To reduce the risk of spinal cord injury, it is important to be aware of factors that may contribute to spinal cord damage or failure. When you are able to minimize these risk factors, you will greatly reduce your chances of developing permanent damage to the spinal cord, resulting in premature death or pains related complications.

Spinal cord injuries are almost always caused by sudden, traumatic blows to the spine that fracture or dislocate vertebrae. These injuries can sever or bruise nerve fibers and can leave the victim with permanent loss of function and feeling.

Spinal cord injury only happens to others, right? It's important not to get overconfident. Anyone can suffer a spinal cord injury. So start protecting your spinal cord by taking these precautions:

1) Always wear a seat belt when driving and sit in the middle of the backseat.

2) Ride ATV, boat and motorcycle and horse back carefully.

3) Wear a helmet and appropriate pads when playing sports like football, bike riding etc.

4) Falls can be very dangerous especially for children and elderly people.

5) Lifting heavy objects is also very dangerous so to avoid it use a wheelbarrow or a wheel cart or ask someone else for help.
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