Real estate How to make top video presentations for listed properties


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Naturalness in front of the camera

We were not all born with the pleasure of sitting in front of the camera and the sight of the lens is a real challenge for many of us. But it is important to take advantage of the huge potential of video presentations - to let people see you as you are and to conquer them through your naturalness. You only have a few seconds to catch their attention and connect with them. Show your true personality and you will give your followers the impression that they already know you, that they can trust you simply because you saw yourself on camera.

Personal branding

In order to build your personal branding, it is important for the audience to know your name - so introduce yourself from the beginning of the video. I may see a video presentation for a property that doesn't interest them, but you want people to remember your name and call you when they've either seen the property that meets their wishes and needs, or are ready for a purchase or sale. . Introducing yourself at the beginning of the video will help them associate their name with someone they can trust.

"Yes" or "No" questions

If during the video presentation you ask people simple questions - "Yes" or "No" - you will be able to keep their attention and curiosity burning. Ask questions that viewers will want to answer with "yes," such as "Are you tired of paying rent?" or "Do you want to spend less time in traffic?" If they answer in the affirmative now, when they meet you through your videos, it will be easier for them to say "yes" to you in the more advanced stage - that of the sale.

Human input

Nowadays, it is easy for everyone to search online for listed properties. Therefore, your goal is to do more than search engines can do when people are looking for extra information. For example, when you have a spacious home for sale that would fit perfectly for a growing family, don't forget to specify things like "This is a bedroom that can be turned into a child's room or guest room" or "The garden is enough to house a play area, one for barbecues and one for your favorite flowers. ” It is very important to give life to the space presented and to sell the lifestyle that your target audience could get by buying that house.

House tour

Once inside, include the necessary presentations, be concise, then let the cameraman capture and traverse the space as a viewer would like. These images will keep the viewers close to the video and increase their enthusiasm for what they see. A virtual tour is also a good tool for selecting people who call to establish a view of the property - you will be contacted only by those who are really interested in what they saw in the video.

Presentation of the neighborhood

The neighborhood where the building is located is just as important as the building itself, which is why you need to include pictures of the neighborhood. The target audience must make an image of the community, of the specific characteristics of the neighborhood. Maybe some are looking for proximity to retailers, others are close to parks, kindergartens or schools. Do not hesitate to include local entrepreneurs in the area - they will also appreciate the fact that you have created exposure for them.

Back in front of the lens

At the end of the video, come back in front of the camera and give your target audience a chance to remember your face. In conclusion, he recapitulates the most important characteristics of the presented building, he asks some more questions to which he can answer with "yes" or "no". For example, "Would you like to wake up with this panorama" or "Do you see your family growing up here?". It nurtures their desire to take the next step.

A clear call to action

If your target audience has reached the end of the video, make sure you give them options to take the next steps. Those interested will want to call you or want to know more details, so the web page on which you listed the property would be useful. It is important to have these types of call to action buttons included and not to make the interested public dig too deep for information.

Video distribution

Don't miss any opportunity to make sure your video reaches as many people as possible who might be interested in the listed property. Encourage your audience to share your video with friends who might be interested. Also, ask your friends to share your videos so that you can increase the credibility of your friends. There are ways to prove that you are a local expert and that you can reach a much larger range of people, which you would not otherwise have access to.

Video listing will help you sell portfolio properties faster and attract new customers who are convinced of your promotion skills. Try applying the above tips in making your next video, make your name and face known, and enjoy the benefits of well-crafted and promoted material.

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