How To Create A 'Realistic' Budget


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Creating a realistic budget can be as much fun as watching paint dry up when it is new. But, unlike watching paint dry, creating a budget can help you achieve your financial goals and avoid financial disasters. So, in this post I have somethings to say on creating a realistic budget, let's get started.

Tip #1: Track your spending If you're like me, tracking your spending can feel a bit like a visit to the dentist - necessary, but not always enjoyable. but, fear not! There are plenty of tools and apps out there to help make this process a little less painful. Just think of it as a fun game of "Where did my money go?", now figure it out.

Tip #2: Prioritize your expenses Prioritizing your expenses may seem like a no-brainer, but it's easier said than done. It's like trying to pick your favorite child if you have children(don't worry, we won't tell them). remember, your essential expenses should always come first, followed by your non-essential expenses. think of it as a budgeting version of "Survivor." where your essentials comes first.

Tip #3: Set realistic financial goals setting financial goals can be a bit like playing "Choose Your Own Adventure." Will you save for a down payment on a house, pay off credit card debt, or save for retirement? The possibilities are endless! Just remember to keep your goals realistic and achievable. we don't want you setting yourself up for financial failure, if your goals are not attainable you will just procrastinate.

Tip #4: Be flexible Being flexible is key when it comes to budgeting. it's okay if you go over budget in one category. We all have those months where we splurge on our favorite things. the important thing is to keep working towards your financial goals, even if you have to adjust your budget along the way.

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