How To Create A College Student Budget You’ll Actually Use


VIP Contributor
There’s no doubt that college is expensive. But you don’t have to bankrupt yourself trying to pay for everything. There are ways to make your college experience more affordable and enjoyable, even if you’re not rich.

Here are some tips:

1. Learn how to save. You’re going to need money for books, field trips, and other expenses while in school, so start earning it now! Even if that means working two jobs while in school.

2. Make a list of everything you need and want from food, housing, education and entertainment (like books and concerts). Try not to include luxuries like vacations or fancy dinners in here. This list should be easy for you to keep track of throughout the month.

3. Get a job on campus. Many campuses offer internships or work-study jobs that can help you earn some extra cash as well as experience working in a professional environment. Don’t be afraid of asking for help from the financial aid office; they may be able to direct you towards companies who hire campus workers or even help create a list of places where you can find such jobs on campus!

4. Ask friends and family for help with living costs. Don’t be embarrassed about asking others for money. it is perfectly acceptable in most situations! Some families may even prefer it since it means they won’t have any additional bills coming in every month (which could add up quickly!).

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