How to best prevent disagreements in a collaborative business.


VIP Contributor
It is pretty much obvious that in collaborative and partnership businesses there is always an arising problem of disagreement among members and among parties collaborating and partnering with each other to form a business. There are so many disadvantages and merits to a collaborative and partnership business, some of which include better profit making and better generation of ideas but even with that there are also disadvantages to collaborative and partnership businesses which majorly is disagreement among members. Disagreements in collaborative businesses can totally be prevented in so Many ways. One of the ways to prevent disagreements in a collaborative business is that, the individual playing as head or superior to the others shouldn't always make generalized decisions and opinions without consulting the thought and ideas of others.

Secondly the process of idea generation in a collaborative business organisation, shouldn't be done by one individual or should be done by a few group of individuals but rather it should be done by all members making up the collaborative business. And in the process of generating ideas and opinions, each member or party should give his or her thoughts and opinions with a concrete reason backing it up. All members should totally concur to one idea, and even if all members do concur to one idea except one individual, his or her differences should be understood and recognized, and must be given the floor to explain why he or she disagrees.
To avoid issues, everything should be brought to the table and thrashed out with agreements reached. Don't assume anything or leave anything to change. Every issue no matter how little should be clearly defined and documented. The mistake most partnership businesses are the mistake of assuming that everything would be fine or that when we get to that bridge, we would cross it. And somehow, you get to that bridge and there is a clash of interests or ideology.

I once entered a partnership with someone. We were somehow close and he said we should do business as friends because it is easier that way. I told him No and insisted we should document and sign everything so that we would have a reference tool when issues arise. Business should be treated as a business no matter who is involved. I sign documents even when I am doing business with my parents.
Disagreement usually comes up at many times once there is more than one person involved and in a business of such nature, the uprising of such a kind of thing is very common and I think that you have done justice to how such can be avoided.

I think one of the best ways that this can be avoided is when a clear boundary is set on Issues pertaining the Business even before it is kick-started. All partners should be guided with some ethics and rules that will help curb some extraneous and extravagant behaviors that could lead to such type of thing as disagreement.

And in case there is still such kind of things, to avoid worsening the condition, the partners should be able to dialogue and reach agreement with each other. When Evey body's opinion is regarded and given attention and every body must as well learn to be content and agree with the best opinion.

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