How to Become Successful By Selling on Multiple Platforms


VIP Contributor
If you want to sell online and make money, you need to sell on multiple platforms. You will have to sell through eBay, Amazon, Etsy, as well as your own store (shopify or woocommerce, or any other platform).

There are many benefits of selling on multiple platforms, first and foremost, every platform has its own customer base, so you can reach more people and sell to more people. When you are selling on eBay as well as Amazon, you will be selling to eBay customers as well as Amazon customers.

Another benefit is you can sell the same products through multiple platforms, which means you do not have to do additional work in creating products.

Third benefit is there will be more sales.

Fourth benefit is you can use the same SEO and digital marketing strategies.

Fifth, by selling on multiple platforms you are giving an opportunities for people to buy your products from multiple platforms.
I sell on Amazon, Etsy, redbubble, and my own site? Do I make a lot of money by selling on multiple platforms? Well, the answer is negative. Do I actually sell products and make money from these platforms? Well, I do. I don't earn much but once in a while I sell products and make money by selling on multiple platforms. Every ecommerce platforms have its own customer base and when you sell on these platforms, you might be able to cater to the users of these platforms. Therefore, it makes sense to sell on multiple platforms. However, if you are more successful on one platform compared to other platforms, I think you need to focus on the platform where you are selling more. When it comes to selling online, you need to focus on the products and the market where you are selling, a little bit of nudge might help you sell more.