How To Avoid Student Loans: 4 Key Ways


Student loans are a common source of debt for people who are just starting out in their careers. While they may not seem like much, student loans can be a huge burden when you're trying to build your credit score and establish yourself as someone who can pay back the money.

Luckily, there are ways to avoid student loans. Here are four tips for avoiding student loans:

1. Don't take out too much in student loans

The more you borrow, the more interest you'll have to pay and the longer it will take to pay off your loan balance. The average amount of debt taken on by college students is $22,000 but that number depends on what kind of classes they're taking and how many credit cards they have at the same time.

2. Live at home!

If you want to avoid taking out a student loan, live at home for at least two years after graduating from college. This will help you save money on living expenses, as well as give you time to pay back any loans without having to take on new ones.

3. Get scholarships & grants

There are tons of scholarships and grants out there that can help cover tuition costs or pay down your debt. Check with your local community college or university and see if they offer any money-saving opportunities like this.

4. Don't take on credit card debt

Credit card debt isn't just bad for you. it's also bad for your credit score! Instead of using a credit card, use cash or check whenever possible so that your balance doesn't increase over time. This will make it easier for lenders when they're looking at your credit history later on down the road!