How to avoid diabetes by losing weight

Gone are the days when people think being fat means living healthy. Fatness comes with many ailments. It is important for us to always watch out weight by watching what we take. This will prevent us from harboring some ailments. And just like a commentator above me said, it is not about being anoxeric because that's as well is not good.
We shouldn't lose weight to the extent it becomes worrying for our health, at least we should keep our weight at balance, and not seeing it reduce further cos we want to chase fats away. Obesity is a disease caused by too many fats and oil, which in turn caused body sugar level high cos we eat whatever, which has sugar contents.
Obesity comes with myriads of health challenge which diabetes is one of it. It is therefore pertinent to try out weight loss exercises that can help one with weight loss. The calories that one consume directly also affect one’s weight. More calories will make one add weight while less calories will aid ideal weight