How Much Savings Is "Enough Savings"?


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We all try to prepare and plan ahead, so we put some percentage of our income away for expenses or emergencies. Any amount saved would help in sorting out bills not expected, the amount we save also depends on each individual, some people save very heavily while some save just few sums. All what is important is to break down goals and take one's time to save manageble, small and regular amounts.
Is there anything like having too much savings or is there a point where saving reaches its peak where there is no more need to put any more money aside? Do share your opinions.
There is no such thing as "enough savings" in my opinion. However, if you are a billionaire and saved millions of dollars, then you can say that you have saved a lot of money and you might not need to earn that much in order for you live a good life because you have already saved a lot of money. The problem is that not everyone can save that much money becuase no one earns that much.
Since the purpose of savings are numerous and unending, then there is nothing like enough savings when it comes to saving. Saving is just a way of keeping part of your hard earned money for investment and for emergency purpose. Savings has helped save lots of lives and some individuals has benefited from savings. Savings made it possible to grab and apply for some certain opportunities.
I don't think there is any amount that is enough to solve all life's problem. We save from so many purposes, some people save to start a business, while some save to buy a car, some also save to build a new house. so it all depends on the kind of problem you want to solve with your savings. Some people purposely save for the future. So I don't think there is any saving that is enough to solve all life's problem.
Since the purpose of savings are numerous and unending, then there is nothing like enough savings when it comes to saving. Saving is just a way of keeping part of your hard earned money for investment and for emergency purpose. Savings has helped save lots of lives and some individuals has benefited from savings. Savings made it possible to grab and apply for some certain opportunities.

In fact, people might not be able to save anything or they might only be saving a very small amount of their monthly income. The problem is that people are not earning that much money due to economic problems in my country. Expenses are huge and income is low. I am talking about my country (Pakistan). So people might not be able to save that much. The only people who save money in my country are those people who own businesses and are rich.
When you hear the word "savings" it's not a concept that stops somewhere or at a particular threshold. Savings is continuously done, savings is in fact, eternal. You continue to save to achieve whatever goals you have ahead of you. Savings will help you to overcome a lot of financial problems because with the help of savings, you will be able to accumulate a lot of resources without any stress. So there is nothing specific time when you say you are no longer saving. Savings continues till eternity.
We all try to prepare and plan ahead, so we put some percentage of our income away for expenses or emergencies. Any amount saved would help in sorting out bills not expected, the amount we save also depends on each individual, some people save very heavily while some save just few sums. All what is important is to break down goals and take one's time to save manageble, small and regular amounts.
Is there anything like having too much savings or is there a point where saving reaches its peak where there is no more need to put any more money aside? Do share your opinions.
according to my own point of view as a well experienced business man I will say no amount of saving is enough to safe if he wishes to save I believe you can continue saving or if you choose not to save again you can stop saving sometimes it's all depends on your choice. everyone has a choice in life once you believe that you have achieved that goal it is possible for you to stop saving and start spending whatever your achieved
With the rising need of man, there can never be any amount that is enough to be saved. It is called savings because it is a continuous action. It is only a dead man that must have saved enough. But as long as someone is still breathing then saving is a necessity if he wants to be financially stable. The more u save the better you prepare for the rainy days.
I don't think there are enough savings. The fact is that no one can save so much. What can a day laborer save? Can a fruit and vegetable seller save enough? No it's not just their thing. This can be done by those whose ancestors are rich. That is, those who are billionaires who are billionaires.
The title is a good question that I think will have no concrete answer. To be frank for my savings, I am right now saving money to buy a land. That is big money that I need so you can expect that it will take years to achieve if ever I can achieve the target amount. Right now I am just halfway with the needed amount to buy a land that I had checked.