How Much Money Should You Spend on a Wedding Ring?


Deciding how much to invest in a wedding or engagement ring is a very personal choice based on your financial situation. While today's average ring costs around $5,900, there's no universal rule on an ideal amount. With so many options, you can find something meaningful within any budget.

Look Beyond the Two Months' Salary 'Rule'

This once-popular guideline for spending two month's income is dated, unrealistic for most, and was fabricated by the diamond industry anyway. Make your own rules based on what feels comfortable long-term.

Consider Overall Wedding Budget

If you're having a larger wedding, look at the ring as part of total wedding expenditures. A cheaper ring gives you more to splurge on details like floral, music or your reception venue.

Factor in Your Financial Picture

Take a realistic look at your current income, savings, debts and expenses. Avoid overextending your finances at the expense of other goals like a down payment, emergency fund or retirement for an expensive ring.

Choose Within Your Plan

Discuss your budget intentions with your partner. This ensures you're both comfortable with the spending and not going into debt. Shop together within parameters you set.

Remember It's About Way More Than Money

An engagement ring symbolizes so much more than the price tag. Focus more on getting the style right in line with your partner's personality and finding something meaningful vs. blowing the budget.

With open communication and creativity, you can celebrate your love with the perfect ring that fits your relationship and financial situation.
How much money should a person spend on a wedding ring depends on the fanancial capacity of the family seeking an alliance for their daughter or son. There is no any hard and fast rule for spending money on a marriage ring. It is because there will be other expenses too that are required to be discussed to take a decision to finalize the marriage. Ring is not the only consideration for any marriage. Importance should be given to other aspects too.