How long does it takes to learn programming?


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I am planning to start learning programming, but the thing is I have got only six month to finish, I know of a certain that people learn differently, some are slow learners while others learn very fast. In your own opinion how long do you think it will take me learn programming, you can also suggest a good and easy language.
It depends on your approach, you can learn at a faster or slower pace. But the average learning time is 3-6 months if it's a coding bootcamp. Self-teaching might take longer. It would be reasonable to learn Python, HTML or JavaScript in 6 months.
Programming is a good skill but it's a bit difficult to learn, the time frame required to learn programming depends on lots of factors. One of them is the assimilation rate of the learner, we all know that some people learns faster than others, so how fast you can learn will determine the time it will take you to finish the syllabus.

Another factor is the person teaching the programming, if the teacher is good on the job it makes it easier for the student to learn faster, but if the teacher is not well drilled on the course, it equally affects learning.
Well it depends on how fast you are good at learning and adapting, but generally programming is a vast course and it's not something you can learn within a short period of time, it's something that the more you learn the more you get to know more about it, but for the basic part it can take you at least six months to learn the basis of programming.
For me, I think one of the first things you will need is PASSION. A lot of persons just go into learning programming languages because they feel that programmers are paid better, even when they do not have the passion.

It is your passion and zeal to learn that will keep you going, even during days that you might feel like giving up.

Yes programming takes time but considering the benefits... You will want to push further if you've got the passion and the brain for it.

If your tutor is quite good enough... It also helps your learning process.
This is a great question to ask as an inspiring programmer, I think first of all you need to define you path that is, where are you planning to specialize on, Frontend or Backend, after that, then you should get a course from Udemy or Coursera, or if you're low on funds you should check out Brad Traversy's channel, it is packed with helpful videos that will take you from 0 to 100 in no time it you pay attention and stay focused.

You need to do build as you learn to retain what you've learned because most beginners get caught up in tutorial hell, where they just consume tutorials and not build anything.

Build out things that excites you, and make sure you learn Git also, because it'll really help you in maintaining your code and later when you land a job, you'll pretty much be using git to manage your work..
Programming is a job that needs one to be smart in order to get it done. If anyone is willing to learn this, the duration at which it will require depends on how and where the person is learning it. Imagine someone leaning about it from an institution in nigeria, it will approximately take the person up to four years to know about it, well it is on paper though. But if one is intending to learn about it technically then it shouldn’t take more than two years in order to know about everything you need to know about it. Well I do not know the actual location of the poster but I do not think it should be more than those period of time in anywhere
Programming is a wide area and before you are able to start you have to start from the simplest one and the simplest one can be the cc+, python then if you are able to succeed perfectly in this area you can move into the most advanced and the most complicated programming languages but all these things will depend on you and your eagerness to achieve success.

Lot of people might even take a year to master a whole programming language but even with this , programming is an area that most people are not always able to know everything but it's just something they have to keep on learning to master the art of programming perfectly but there will be a time in your programming journey that you will be able to program a command perfectly.

The six months you are interested to learn the programming might not really be possible if you really want to understand everything about programming and I will suggest you give you a self one-and-a-half-year to learn everything.

It is a lucrative online business and if you are really good in the programming the possibility of earning higher on the internet is available.. the zeal to succeed is the most important factors.
Programming is a very good thing though it is not easy, everything about it seems to be tough, because it has different phases and programming is lucrative, but I believe it depends on how one is devoted or even how serious one is, if one is consistent, give all his time in learning that specific thing he wants to learn he may learn it within short time, what others can do in 1 year you can do it in one month, what one can do in 10 years you can do it in just a single year without encountering any sort of problem or the other, but the major thing you have to know is that, programming is lucrative ams bulky, it is not a one day work, but if you are consisted and focus in learning it you won't take much time before learning all the necessary process, in all this computing stuffs I think the one that seems to be hard, bulky, lucrative and time consuming is the programming, because some of them requires the use of binary numbers which is very hard to learn them, but as I told you earlier it depends on how committed and consistent you are that will guarantee you to learn within short time.
As a matter of fact , computer programming is not something that you would ordinarily is just rushing in the learning process because it is going to affect you in the future when you realise that there was no need for you to actually rush it like you were doing during the learning process.

You have to spend quality time to learn it so that you will be fully grounded with a solid foundation and not end up like those people out there who cannot defend what they are standing for , when it comes to computer programming .

Another factor that you have to realise is the fact that , people spend at least four years in the universities trying to learn computer science and programming in general and so, you who is trying to study it on your own must bear in mind that it is not something you expect to just learn it within six months like you are talking about .

Just prepare your mind and if you are currently engaged with other things , it will be better to finish with them first before you begin your computer programming activities so that you won't regret in future .
It depend on the type of programing language you want to learn. But 6 months is, apparently, enough to understand the basic of any programming language. Once you know the basic, you can always build on it by reading material or watching videos course.

Recently, I went for 1 month digital training. Though, I didn't understand everything within this 1 month , I was able to do a lot of things on my own because I understand the basic. So, I will advice you to go for it as you'll understand the basic of most programming language within 6 mony and with the basic you can try to get project to improve yourself.