Business Ideas How do you handle bad customers


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There are words that says that customers are the king and you need to give them the right service if you want to get more customers that would purchase your product and demand your product ,but there seems to be some kind of customers that are not always in support of your opinion and despite providing the right service for them ,they would still complain about the service that its bad and others , most especially when you have spent so much in offering them the right service but they still end up making your service look like a waste ,the greatest demerit is that they could easily spread the wrong awareness about your product to other do you consider this as a barrier and how do you solve them
It is very a very detail information about customer service relationship. No matter how frustrating a customer may be, a business owner must know how to calm the customer down and never to raise voice against his customers in any circumstances. Most altercations between customers and the sellers happen when the two parties try to make sure they exchange words. So when a customer is raising his voice, the seller should calm and be placating him
It's very important that business owners learn how to handle their customers. A lot of business people does not know how to handle their customers and this has brought a lot of backwardness in their businesses. Even if a customer is bad a businessman should know that without customers his business will not exist so it is better to always talk politely to customers.
Humans are bound to show bad character wherever they found themselves so people needs to realize this. For me I will continue to be friendly even to a difficult customer. Customers are Kings so I will treat them with kindness to aid them return back to buy no need fighting ones Customers
I think with bad customers, one has to be patient with them because of the famous adage “the customer is always right”. However, if the customer becomes unbearable feel free to cut the customer off for one's mental health. There would always be that customer who feels like he/her has the right to dictate to the business or organization. Care should be taken when handling this particular customer because this customer could bring other customers along with him/her despite the bad attitude the customer displays.
Managing people, whether customers or not is a very hectic task and it takes so much for one to be able to overcome. It is a very straining thing trying your best to handle bad customers. I have seen some business people who do not offer services to such customers since everyone already know them to be bad people who obviously do not mean well for the business at all. One can take this measure too.
Managing a bad customer is usually not very easy, I think a company should have their customer relation department that should be saddle with that responsibility. The department must have been trained to handle such customer and see the best way to resolve their issue in a win win deal for the customer and the company.
In life, we have good and bad people. All that matters is your own attitude and how you can manage situations. You can't possibly be expecting everybody around you to love you, even in your family, not all your siblings will love you. Therefore, ignore them and move on with your life.
As a business man or woman, you are going to be encountering different kinds of customers or people. You just need to know that costumers are always right. They are always right because your target should be their money or payments, so whatever they say to you, should always be right. When dealing with costumers, you need to be patient.
I have not been in that situation where I have to handle bad customers, however, if I ever come across bad customers, I will just tell them to shut up and go away. There are 7.9 billion people on the earth and I do not need to do all sorts of things for someone who is becoming rogue. Why should we bother with a bad customer
It is a norm that one's you are into business you are always bound to meet bad customers. A majority of the bad customers that I have met actually behave the way they do because of lack of misinformation. This is why one of the best ways to tackle bad customers is to talk to them politely and try to explain everything to them.