How Do Travel Bloggers Make Money?


VIP Contributor
Blogging is considered one of the best ways to make money and there are many niches to choose from. many people love to start a blog about the topic which they love. this is why many people love starting a blog about cooking foods as they are chefs. However, there is a niche called "traveling" and I am sure that many people are aware of this niche. There are many bloggers who tend to visit many places across the world and start traveling blogs and they share their experiences about visiting various places in the world and visiting different cities of many different countries. I have always wondered if this is an expensive niche because it requires you to travel all around the world and traveling is NOT cheap. So how come bloggers, who choose to write about traveling experiences, save money and make money when the traveling is itself so expensive?
Just because half of trippers organisers are blogging about their travel so they collect a group and organise a trip where they recover their travelling fee as simple as that, even amateurs how works something else in life is becoming as trip organisers for a certain period of time then to recover all-expense fee because it starts as a hobby and finishes as a job.