How can I create a sales funnel?


VIP Contributor
Creating a sales funnel is one of the most important things you need to know about marketing. It's where all your leads go from being potential customers to actual customers.

The way that most people do it is by creating a landing page with an opt-in box, and then they create a bunch of emails that they blast out to their list. But that's not what we're talking about here.

You want to create a sales funnel where your leads go through a series of steps until they become customers. For example:

First, they visit your website.

Second, they fill out an information form on your site.

Third, they receive an email with an offer in it (maybe it's a free sample of product X).

Fourth, they respond back with their contact information so you can set up a time to talk about how you can help them with their needs or wants. And then...

Fifth, once you've gotten their contact information and scheduled the call or appointment for when the customer would like to get started on using your products/services/ideas or whatever it is that you have available for them to use.

You can also create a sales funnel by using a variety of different tools and resources. The most common are:

1. Google Analytics

2. Facebook Ads Manager

3. MailChimp

4. SalesForce CRM.