How can $100 be made monthly from low paying sites


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It is a fact that a lot of people are coming online now to make money and unfortunately most people don't have the needed skills to earn big,so it mostly about earning from low paying sites like microworkers to complete micro tasks or comment on forums.Are there genuine ways to still cash out good from these low paying sites. Please share your ideas?
From my point of view, an alternative to making a greater amount of money online are achieving Freelance contracts, for them, we must have the deep domain on some professional branch, such as programming, graphic design, application of SEO techniques, among others, some platforms are Freelancer and Workana, among others like Upwork and Fiveer
What people do alternately is to go into blogging. Most use the free blog sites like WordPress. It's easy to set up for anyone. Although one might not start to earn money almost immediately but once one can write great articles and direct traffic to your blog you can start earning from it. SEO is also important.
​​​​​​I am also learning and working on starting a blog soon.
I guess it's possible on particular survey sites, though you have to be in a first-tier country like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc. I've seen screenshots from Facebook Pages that people from these geographic locations get to cash out $40-$60 in a week. How I wish I live in those countries, oh well.
It's difficult to have $100 a month from a low paying site. It will take a longer period to accumulate the earnings. It's always best to have patience and determination when venturing with these work. I am thinking if you can teach english. It will be a good job alternative. I have heard a lot about english tutor but I haven't tried it. I have a noisy environment that's why I don't bother to try. You can research on those legitimate site online. To try which one suits you.
I think those suggesting blogging and joining sites like upwork are not answering the question. Micro job sites are low paying sites and it is hard to earn money from these sites if we want to be super real about it. Sites like spare 5 and the like require a lot of work for very little pay. You can cents per hour so to even reach $1 is a problem. I know that they are people who say that they earn hundreds per month, but I very much doubt this story. I think that they say this so that you can sign up and be their referral. I don't think that earning $100 dollars from a low paying site is possible. If you earn $20 be grateful.