Home Remedies For Pneumonia: Ease Your Symptoms


Pneumonia is a serious illness that can affect your entire body. It's important for you to eat well and drink plenty of fluids to reduce the risk of pneumonia, but it's also important to know how to help your body if it becomes sick with pneumonia.

Here are some home remedies for pneumonia that can help ease your symptoms:

1) Drink warm lemon water to soothe coughing, throat inflammation, and congestion. If you'd like, you may also use honey in this beverage.

2) Take warm baths or showers to relieve congestion. This will help loosen congestion in your chest and make breathing easier.

3) Try taking ginger tea mix one teaspoon of grated ginger root with four cups of hot water, let steep for five minutes, then strain out the ginger pieces before drinking this tea. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can ease nausea and improve digestion.

4) Massaging your chest can also help ease congestion. You may want to try using a moistened cloth or a heating pad on your chest for this remedy. If you just experience congestion just on side of your body, this could be extremely useful.