Here Are Simple Ways To Refresh Your Curls On A Non-Wash Day


VIP Contributor
In this post, I'll explain how to revive your curls on a day when you don't wash them.

1. Put product in your hair. You can use any type of product: mousse, gel, or cream. Just make sure it's not too heavy!

2. Put your hair up in a bun or ponytail and leave it that way for at least an hour before rinsing out the product. When you're ready to rinse it out, try to avoid rinsing too vigorously. you don't want to damage your hair!

3. Rinse with warm water, letting the water run over your head while gently massaging the scalp with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb until all traces of product are gone from your scalp and hair shafts (don't forget about eyebrows!).

4. Now use a dry shampoo if you need one! Just be cautious not to get it in your eyes or ears because those locations are also bad for it!