Health benefits of eating cucumber


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1) HydratioThe electrolytes in cucumbers can help prevent dehydration.​

Cucumbers consist mostly of water, and they also contain important electrolytes. They can help prevent in hot weather or after a workout.

For people who do not enjoy drinking water, adding cucumber and can make it more attractive.

Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining a healthy intestine, preventing avoiding and more.

Cucumber is one of the most hydrating foods.

2) Bone health​

Vitamin K blood clotting, and it may support bone health.

A of chopped, unpeeled, raw cucumber provides 10.2 micrograms (mcg) of K, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend of:

  • 90 mcg a day for females aged 19 years and over
  • 120 mcg for males of the same age
Cucumber also contains Adults 1,000–1,200 mg of calcium a day, depending on sex and age.

Vitamin K helps improve calcium absorption. Together, these nutrients can contribute to good bone health.

Vitamin D is also important for bone health.

3) Cancer​

As a member of the Cucurbitaceae family of plants, cucumbers contain high levels of bitter-tasting nutrients known as cucurbitacin.

According to in the International Journal of Health Services, cucurbitacins may help prevent by stopping cancer cells from reproducing.

A of chopped cucumber with its skin also provides around 1 g of fiber. Fiber may help protect against

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4) Cardiovascular health​

The (AHA) note that fiber can help manage cholesterol and prevent related cardiovascular problems.

A 142-g cup of unpeeled cucumber also provides 193 mg of and 17 mg of TheDietary Guidelines recommend that adults consume 4,700 mg of potassium each day and 310–410 mg of magnesium, depending on sex and age.

Reducing sodium intake and increasing potassium intake

The cucurbitacins in cucumber may also

5) Diabetes​

Cucumbers may in controlling and preventing . It contains substances that may help lower blood sugar or stop blood glucose from rising too high.

One theory is that the cucurbitacins in cucumber help regulate release and the metabolism of hepatic glycogen, a key hormone in the processing of blood sugar.

One found that cucumber peel helped manage the symptoms of diabetes in mice. This may be due to its content.

Fiber, too, and manage according to the AHA.

Cucumbers score low score on the glycemic index (GI). This means they provide essential nutrients without adding c that can increase blood glucose.

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Cucumber is a common vegetable, popular both in and out of Africa. It can be eaten raw, cooked or pickled and is widely used in salads. It is however, more than just a snack or salad ingredient.

It is rich in vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and Vitamins A, C and K. Cucumber also contains pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5), which helps in the production of hormones and cholesterol.

Cucumber is a good source of silica, an important trace mineral that strengthens connective tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and bone. Therefore it is considered beneficial for those suffering from arthritis and gout.

The fibre content of cucumber helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood by binding with the bile salts and removing them from the body through faeces.

Eating cucumber can help keep your skin healthy due to its high water content; it helps to hydrate the skin from within, keeping it soft and supple. Because cucumbers contain mostly water (about 96%), they are low in calories but high in nutrients like vitamin C. They also contain caffeic acid which helps soothe skin irritations and reduces swelling. We should eat cucumber atleast 3 times week.
cucumber can be called vegetables as well as fruits die to the nutritional properties they contain. They are high in nutritional and medicinal value that out body need to function properly. Cucumber contains many vital vitamins as well as minerals. The are packed with benefitial compounds such as vitamin C, vitamin k, potassium, and manganese.

Eating cucumber daily can make your body to stay hydrated through out the day. They also helpful in aiding weight loss, cucumbers are low in calories and they contain antitoxidants which are helpful for the skin, eating cucumber daily can make your skin glow. Cucumbers can helps in lowering your blood sugar.
Cucumber is one of the most common fruit in the world, it has a sweet taste and I love eating them Cucumber are delicious and refreshing fruit, though, some people said cucumber are vegetables buy they are actually fruit. Just like other fruits out there, cucumber are also amongst some of the most valuable and health promoting fruits to human body. They are packed with some nutritional B vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B5 as well as vitamin B7. All these vitamins when combined helps to ease the feeling of anxiety and buffer some of the damaging effects of the stress in human body.

Cucumber are also referred to as a superfood, this is due to the medicinal and nutritional properties they possessed. In some part of the world, cucumbers are been used as a pesticides. And they also contain a lot of water which really helps in hydration and ddigestion below are some unique detailed health benefits of eating cucumber on a daily basis;

1. Eating cucumber can helps in reducing the calories in our body system

2. Eating cucumber on a daily basis is said to be aiding weight loss

3. They contains the great source of vitamins which is healthy for human body

4. Eating cucumber may helps to reduce cholesterol in the body

5. Consuming cucumber either as a juice or fruit may helps to enhance body digestion.