Saving Money Have You Ever Made A Travelling Budget?


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There are many people who love to travel and this is due to the fact that people love to see new places and see the world. Most of the people would never want to stay at one place for their life and they would actually like to explore the world. Unfortunately, travelling is not that easy and it requires you to have a lots of money. One of the most important aspect of travelling is the fact that you must make a budget and make sure you do not spend excessive money. I have never travelling before using my own money but I do plan to visit various other places in the world and make a travelling budget. What about you do you make a travelling budget or have you made it before in the past?
I have never officially made a travel budget but I do schedule how I am going to spend my money on a trip, I do not know if that is what you mean by “travel budget” well it is a good thing to make a travel budget because it is a sign that you are prepared for the journey.
My wife and I used to travel abroad at least twice a year. In the last year before the pandemic era we went to Tokyo, Bangkok and Macau. Our budget is always fixed because we are always prepared for the expenses just to enjoy our trip. Our hotel is usually 5-star except in Tokyo which was only 3-star. Usually there is excess in our budget which goes to our savings account.
Definitely, I have made travelling budget countless times and the reality is that, at all times, the actual transport fare supersedes the actual budget. The cost of transportation is now on the high side and gets worse during the festive seasons, which is usually during the end of every year and the beginning of a new year. It baffles me a lot, whether the price of fuel hikes or not, the transport company would make sure the transport fare is paid twice as much as the original price.

Two years ago, I had gone on a compulsory national primary assignment up north in my country and during the festive period, I made a travel budget with my feeding inclusive, but on getting to the transportation park, the price was increased to double of the initial price and as days kept on passing, the price went higher. This was not because of the increase in fuel because there was no such occurrence but they saw it as an opportunity to exploit and extort from people because they might have no choice if they are really persistent to travel and would end up paying whatever stipulated amount is meted out, because there is obviously no other cheaper option than road transportation.
I actually love traveling, but I have never made a move unless I have something I need to do. There are few times where I made use of my personal money to travel, and all that you said is totally true. When it comes to traveling, everything needs to be well planned, and you must also have a backup cash in cases anything goes wrong. Like there was a time the bus I entered broke down, the place was a very lonely place, and we where not much on the bus. I discovered I was the only non native there, and I had heard cases of people being kidnapped. Normally they don't usually give refunds, so the money I paid was as good as gone, they where all acting creepy and worse they where speaking their native language. Lucky enough, there was another bus coming, I quickly joined that one for a fee, imagined I had no extra cash with me, only God knows what would have happened.

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