Loans Government grants


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This grants are provided by government to boost businesses of sole proprietorship and other forms in their various countries. To be honest, these are mostly effective in the first world countries. They are just like loans but they are forgivable, what I mean by that is, they are given to the traders but it is not a must to refund it unlike loans. Although, these are not easy to get because it requires a lot to be put into consideration. They would want to know much about the business you run. They year you started it, and if by any means the credit history and if there has been any bankruptcy record or other things that may discourage them to offer it.
I just read about the thread where a citizen has achieved a lot with grants in her country and the term a and conditions of these grants are just too bearable. I just wish these are possible in my country, where government can be given citizens grant. Most citizens would have achieved a lot.
I have not heard of government grants for businesses because a private business is not the concern of the government. That would be a source of corruption. Think if you can ask for financial grant for your business without capital (because it is a grant and not a loan) then any one can start up and seek for a grant. But in reality the business is not for real.
I will always like to apply for government grants. Government grants make it pretty much easier for you to do some of the things or the business you want to start without thinking of paying back the interest. Government grant are available to most small scale businesses in different countries.
Business grants in my country are so hard to obtain. The reason being that so many people want it and so the qualifications for it have been set high. Another reason is that there is high corruption here and so only a few may be privileged to get the grants. But I always try to apply them just in case I get lucky.
Government grants is one of the easiest way to raise fund for your business. Most of the government grant comes with little or no payback plan. but the sad thing is that those who managed to secure government grants are misusing it. I have seen someone who obtain government grant to do wedding ceremony which is very bad.