Getting a Career Advice: Who Gives the Better Career Advice


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Here are 4 types of people who will give you the worst career advice according to a survey. If you are looking for career advice, these are the people who give you the worst career advice.

Professors or Teachers: According to the survey 90 percent of teachers will give you the worst career advice. They will tell you thinks like never question your boss and always say yes.

Siblings: According to the survey, 10 percent bad career advice comes from your siblings and family members

Parents: The survey tells, 14 percent bad career advice comes from your parents, who always suggest you to have a save career. They don’t have a band intention but that’s not how life works

Friends: The survey says that 35 percent bad career advice comes from friends.-

So, who should you trust when it comes to getting career advice? They say only 1 percent of advice that comes from a spouse will ever go wrong.
Never listen to your teachers because it is very likely that you end up choosing the wrong career. When you choose the wrong career, you will end up complaining all your life. I was always told by my professors that banking is a career for me, however, I am more successful than my friends who choose a banking career. You can take advice from your parents and they never meant to harm you, but they are not always right because they cannot see the future, they only know about the past. If I had listened to my parents, I would have become a professor teaching finance to kids. I am not sure about trusting a spouse, though (because I don't have a spouse). While you cannot interpret the conclusion drawn by any kind of survey as the absolute truth, you can of course take a cue from these surveys to make your own conclusion.