Get Paid to Write Short Post Vs. Get Paid to Write Long Post


VIP Contributor
As a writer writing on the internet, you can do two things to make money, one by writing and publishing short posts, and two, by writing and publishing long posts.

Short posts basically mean forum posts and long posts basically mean blog posts?

I have tried both and I am going to share information based on my own experience.

Making money from short post is easy. You join a legit platform, start posting and make money. On most forum sites, you can receive your payment in less than a month of posting.

Making money from long post is difficult. You write a long post publish on your blog or any other third platform blogging platform, your article needs to generate views, ad engagements and ad impression for you to make money. It might take months even to make a buck by writing long post.

Now, you might start believing making money from short post is better than making money from long post. But before you make a conclusion, hear me out.

Forum posting is active income, you will make money only when you post.

Blog posting is passive income, you will make money even when you don’t post a blog regularly.You have the potential to make a lot of money.
Great thread, I really appreciate it. My own experience is more or less same. As I tried many article writing sites and written a lot in blogs but till date not get any specific result from there on the other hand through forum writing I get so many payouts. There are so many article writing sites those who cheat innocent writers as they'll publish article put their ads on it but never pay you, I am not mentioning their names but they exist you people may also had a bitter experience of them. While few forum sites as Trendri and Referral index forum and few others are doing well with their quality rules.
Great thread, I really appreciate it. My own experience is more or less same. As I tried many article writing sites and written a lot in blogs but till date not get any specific result from there on the other hand through forum writing I get so many payouts. There are so many article writing sites those who cheat innocent writers as they'll publish article put their ads on it but never pay you, I am not mentioning their names but they exist you people may also had a bitter experience of them. While few forum sites as Trendri and Referral index forum and few others are doing well with their quality rules.
No offense mate, but when the quality of the post I see from you, I really doubt you will even have access to high paying writing jobs. In order to earn as an article writer, either by writing articles for clients, or for sites, you will need above average language and writing skills. Sadly, a lot of people especially those who come form Africa and Asia, are so poor with language and writing skills that they cannot get decent writing jobs, still they claim that they are unable to earn or they have been cheated. I am not sure why most of forums are too soft on poorly written content.
If you know that English is your second language, you should stick to sites that pay for short content. The pay is always lowered but you can make a lot of money if you are active. Sites like Trendri pay a little higher demand beyond your average word count. That's probably the reason you would see only very few people from other paid-to-post forums being active here on Trendri.

Short content is easier and earns you faster than having to write long content. In all, one has to understand where his or her strength lies and stick to that.
As a natural writer, I can be active on any kind of paid to post forum with varying content lengths because I had spent years unconsciously grooming myself to be a writer. I read everything and anything that I could lay my hands on. And truthfully speaking, there is no niche at all that I can't write, be it 100 words, or 1000 words. For me, any kind of PTP forums is okay for me. It is pay rates rather than my capacity that can limit me.
I love writing both long and short posts, I have done both of them successful in many years. Short posts in forums is so easy to do and I make easy money monthly. Though it is a small amount, it keeps me going and I am at least assured of some income from my writing.

Long posts and enjoyable for me to research and write on, but I am not really assured of earning from them. This is because they mostly require views in order to earn. Getting views is not so easy, you ought to learn how to promote your content widely. The good thing with this is that once you start earning from it, it grows into passive income that can feed you for a very long time.
I love writing both long and short posts, I have done both of them successful in many years. Short posts in forums is so easy to do and I make easy money monthly. Though it is a small amount, it keeps me going and I am at least assured of some income from my writing.
Some people repeat same thing several times to reach minimum of words and that is not good because you are not required to get rewarded for each post by telling same thing to fit minimum words which is 30 words.