For web designers and webmasters, a cool Chrome extension


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Webmasters will be pleasantly pleased by some of the new Google Chrome extensions that are being released. The best part is that many helpful tools are available for free.

Most everybody already knows that Google Chrome now has extensions, exactly like the plugins for Firefox these extensions allow you to add new functionality to the Chrome browser. Several of them will probably be helpful to you and help you shorten the time it takes to complete routine tasks. There are a few Chrome Extensions that are useful and truly stand out as must-have additions for webmasters and designers. These are the ones we'll talk about in this section.

The Pendule extension is the first Google Chrome Extension that we really believe every webmaster and web designer should have. Over 20 web design tools are included in this plugin. With a mouse click, you may display a ruler on the screen, utilize the color picker to determine the hexadecimal value of any object on the website, and do many other things. This plugin allows you to toggle a variety of web page controls on and off. If necessary, it can also be used to reveal passwords while you are setting up a site.

Another vital tool for any webmaster is the Chrome SEO plugin. Whatever you are doing to promote your website, this tool offers something for you. This one tool contains a rapid page rank checker, an alexa rank, and numerous more SEO search results. You may access a wealth of information about any page you are now reading by just clicking the Chrome SEO icon.

One of our favorites for taking screenshots and instantly altering them online is the Picnik plugin. If you are working on a project that calls for numerous screenshots of multiple websites, this will save you a ton of time.
For me I think this most useful chrome extension and add-ons are found on the Windows operating systems. They are mostly found on the lap tops, computers but rarely on Android phones or any Mobile operating systems.

There was a time when I was looking for a certain add-on on the crime browser for an online job offer which was mainly done on the extension, but I was unable to benefit from the particular Job because the add-on was unavailable in my android phone and that I don't have neither a computer nor a lap top.
I wish all the add-ons and extensions be placed on the phone's chrome browsers too.