Everything You Should Know About Sources Of Vitamin A


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Eating food every day is pretty great, right? But did you know that when you eat different foods, you get to enjoy a variety of health benefits? If you're looking for vitamin A in particular, here are some of the best sources.

Sweet Potatoes

These tubers contain a ton of fiber and vitamin A but you may be surprised to learn that the raw sweet potato contains more than the cooked version. Try eating them raw in a slaw or salad.


Carrots are probably one of the most popular sources of vitamin A out there, and for good reason: they're delicious! You can steam them, roast them, or even eat them raw with a little hummus dip.


This blue-green algae might not sound very appetizing at first glance, but you can find it in everything from smoothies to snack bars. It's a great source of protein as well as vitamin A!


The yolks contain lots of vitamin A.


Especially whole milk .


The best kinds are cheddar and Swiss cheese .


Both salmon fillets and canned pink salmon are good sources of vitamin A.


Butter is high in cholesterol but it has lots of vitamin A.