email marketing tips


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The high level of automation available is one of the many benefits of using the internet to grow your business. This automation is most visible when a large list of customers is contacted via email. You will need to use opt-in emails to avoid any accusations of spam in the email process. When someone agrees to receive emails from you, they are 'opting in' to your list or newsletter, which prevents them from accusing you of spamming them by sending them unsolicited emails. They will be encouraged to join your mailing list when they visit your website.

You can entice them to sign up by providing them with something of value, such as a free report or a multi-part mini-course. Whatever your incentive is, make it a good one or your visitors will not sign up. Once you've obtained your visitors' contact information, it's critical that you carefully follow through. When you send follow-up emails, make sure they receive whatever you promised them and that you continue to provide them with useful information. You can send follow-up emails as often as you want, but keep in mind that every time they receive an email from you, there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom.

If your emails are nothing more than an obnoxious sales pitch, many people on your list will unsubscribe, which you don't want. So make certain that you continue to provide them with something of value rather than just a sales pitch.

Of course, the entire point of collecting your website visitors' names is to hopefully convert them into purchasing customers. It is estimated that up to 98 percent of visitors to your website will not make a purchase on their first visit... and they will never return. That is why having an opt-in email list is critical.
You are write, byt after getting off that stage of afding them to your mail list, how do you make them stay, how do you convert them. Email marketing is a great way to build an audience and cultivate relationships with your customers. But if you're not careful, you may end up on the wrong side of the spam folder.

Here are 7 tips for staying out of spam and getting your emails opened:

1. Make sure your emails have the subject lines your customers are looking for.

2. Don't send duplicate or similar emails in a row.

3. Provide something of value in each email that will make your customers want to open it.

4. Avoid using all caps, exclamation points, or strange characters in your subject line, as they tend to look spammy.

5. Try to keep your emails under 600px wide, as this will allow them to be read across more devices without having to scroll horizontally on a mobile screen.

6. Use an email service provider (like MailChimp) that makes it easy for people who sign up without reading all the fine print—or engaging with an actual human—to unsubscribe from your list immediately and easily if they change their mind later!

7. Send emails at times when recipients are most likely to open them (like early in the morning or late afternoon).

8. Keep it short and sweet.

8. Make it personal and human.
In addition to what @Jasz stated above, the main aim of your first email is to grab the prospective customers interest or attention, and always have this on your mind that those you are emailing does not know you and at the same time they are not expecting any form of email from you. Thus, make your email as brief as you can.

Also, make your email subject line as brief as you can this must not be too short and not too long, ( For this it's advisable to make your subject line be within minimum of four word and maximum of 10 words).

Personalization of email subject line also help alot and will make your subject line stand alone in the recipient inbox.

The next stage after subject line is email body, when written your email always ensure there's no spam word in your message, so your email will enter your prospective customer inbox and not spam folder.

Lastly, verified your mailing list before sending your email this is because most of the email in your list might not be active, it's best to verify your mailing list before sending them to avoid your email account getting blocked.
Make sure to use power words, words that can inspire your readers to take action, when they are moved they click to see.
Let there be suspense and curiosity gap, make sure you don't just deliver you point to the audience at the beginning not just the end keep it mostly in the middle so they can read down.
Never use all caps. It makes your words too loud.
Offer something valuable
Let me start my tips from the beginning, the right time to send your email, because no matter how good your email is, sending it the wrong time will render it useless. When you send a marketing email to your leads, it's important to do so at the right time. The timing of your email can have a huge impact on how many people open and click on your message. It's best to send marketing emails in the morning or afternoon not at night or in the middle of the day. In other words, don't try to send an email at 3am because that's probably not going to work out well for you.

The best time to send an email is between 9am and noon on Monday through Friday; however, if you're sending an email for a specific sale or event, you might want to consider sending it at different times during the week based on when your audience tends to be most active. When they've been on your website recently and have been engaging with your content. Try not to make it daily activity, it can be weekly.

Do it when you have an offer that's relevant to them. For example, if you run a blog about cooking, and one of your recent articles was about how to cook a fish, you can send an email offering recipes when people are thinking about buying their fish for cooking.