Some email marketing quick tips?


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You must have probably wondered why you have a very big email list but then the people who are subscribed to it and not opening it or they are usually not reading it for long and I will reveal to you some things that you can do in order to improve that .

1. Good headline . Your reader probably has tens of emails to look at every day and he is probably going to neglect yours if it is not having a captivating headline. You should ensure that your headline is something that is relevant , captivates the contents of the email and you should avoid clickbait at all cost .

2. Make it short . Your reader is definitely not going to want to spend the whole day reading your emails so it is very important that you should proofread your initial emails and ensure that they are as short as possible while they are also conveying the message of the day .

3. Call your reader by his name. This is why it is important for you to collect the names of all your subscribers. It is going to look more personalized if you are going to address them by their names and their are a lot of software that allow you to do this automatically .
Email marketing is a great way to build an audience and cultivate relationships with your customers. But if you're not careful, you may end up on the wrong side of the spam folder.

Here are 7 tips for staying out of spam and getting your emails opened:

1. Make sure your emails have the subject lines your customers are looking for.

2. Don't send duplicate or similar emails in a row.

3. Provide something of value in each email that will make your customers want to open it.

4. Avoid using all caps, exclamation points, or strange characters in your subject line, as they tend to look spammy.

5. Try to keep your emails under 600px wide, as this will allow them to be read across more devices without having to scroll horizontally on a mobile screen.

6. Use an email service provider (like MailChimp) that makes it easy for people who sign up without reading all the fine print—or engaging with an actual human—to unsubscribe from your list immediately and easily if they change their mind later!

7. Send emails at times when recipients are most likely to open them (like early in the morning or late afternoon).

8. Keep it short and sweet.

8. Make it personal and human.
@Setho I could not agree more on this, those factors you highlighted above are accurate and on point. For someone to be successful or have success in his or her email marketing he/she must put those factors into practice.

There's a friend of mine who's into email marketing, sometimes ago he complained to me about his endusers not opening his email campaign. I requested to check his message before sending, upon checking I realized he's not doing something right and I corrected him. since then, he has been having minimum opening rate of at least 20% on his email campaign.

All what I told him is to work on the subject line, to make it short preferably 4-6 words, he should not include any exclamatory mark in the subject line. And to also personalized his subject line same as the email body. And to also stay off from spam triggered words.